Beyond IID Submissions

To help us select a good program, we invite the community to make suggestions for talks. Any member of the community can participate, either by nominating someone else with a concrete talk topic or by submitting his/her own work in the traditional manner.

Please use the form below to nominate yourself or someone else for consideration for a talk at Beyond IID. The submission deadline is September 18, 2020.


  • Extended Abstract: This should be one to two pages in length and contain a nontechnical and clear description of the results and main ideas. Extended abstracts should not be a compressed version of a full paper, but instead should facilitate an intuitive understanding of the research results that they represent. Extended abstracts should be in PDF format and typeset in single-column form with reasonable margins and font size at least 11 points. The two-page maximum does not include references.
  • Technical Manuscript: This is a full paper describing the work, including technical details. This manuscript may be from an on-line repository, such as arXiv. You can submit either a PDF of the technical manuscript or an arXiv link to it. However, if the submission consists of multiple technical papers, they should be merged into a single PDF file and uploaded.