Call for Papers

Important Dates:

The goal of this workshop is to bring together a broad and representative group of computer vision researchers with an interest in non-Euclidean geometry for deep learning to elicit lively and impactful discussions on a wide range of topics, including: 

There are two tracks for submission to Beyond Euclidean workshop. Submissions to both tracks will be featured during the workshop's poster session, and a subset of all submissions will be selected for contributed talks..

1 Proceedings Track

Submissions should be in the ECCV format and are limited to 14 pages including figures and tables. Additional pages containing only cited references are allowed. Please download the ECCV 2024 Author Kit for detailed formatting instructions. Submission in accepted papers in this will be included in the official ECCV proceedings. This track is appropriate for self-contained research papers with a high degree of development. 

2 No Proceedings track: extended abstracts or published work

Extended abstract submissions should be in the ECCV format and are limited to 4 pages, including figures and tables. Additional pages containing only cited references are allowed. Please download the ECCV 2024 Author Kit for detailed formatting instructions. This track welcomes submissions beyond traditional research papers, including early-stage results, insightful negative findings, opinion pieces, and novel datasets. Moreover, we welcome papers published at peer-reviewed venues and cover topics related to the workshop. ECCV 2024 paper style is not required. Works submitted to this track will not be included in the ECCV proceedings, providing an opportunity to share preliminary work or important milestones to foster discussion in the research community.

Review Process

Reviews are double-blind and conducted through CMT. All submissions will receive a minimum of two reviews.