Experimental Project of Art & Science Collaboration and Education 

beyond the Net: TOOLS

Yoichi Mizomata

Tools Portal of Micro-VPC:

For visitors:

I set up this site for global communication among individuals, NPOs, and NGOs in science, art, music, and education for these subjects on February 13, 2021. Under this project, I developed a self-hosted site providing open-source software (OSS) services, i.e., three video conferencing services, two application-sharing services, a learning management service, and a chat service, which I named "Micro-VPC."[1] In these services, "Collaborative RDS"[2] enables multi-user interactive operation by user management with privilege separation and restriction on RDS. For the project's third year, I would like to consider how the users can use OSS to improve communication through practical education, especially in 3D CAD and 3D CG online teachings. Besides, I will continue to release technical reports for software customization, application of software to education, and education content, as shown on the Activities page on this site. Please ask me on Facebook by the following link for more details.

 Yoichi Mizomata, (Facebook page),  January 25, 2023.  

Overview of Micro-VPC:

References: [1] for Micro-VPC, [2] for Collaborative RDS, and [3], [3-2] for 3D CAD and CG education content.

I implemented three multi-stage authentications to protect Oauth2 of Mattermost and OpenMeetings, and the weak SAML authentication of the Collaborative RDS on April 20, 2023.

About OSS used on Micro-VPC:

Jitsi Meet: A video conferencing system on Apache License 2.0 like Zoom, developed by 8x8. [1] 

OpenMeetings: An interactive multimedia video conferencing system on Apache License 2.0, developed by Maxim Solodovnik, Sebastian Wagner, and the community. [2] 

BigBlueButton: A video conferencing system on LGPL, developed by BigBlueButton Inc. [3] 

Moodle: A learning management system on GPLv3 license, developed by Martin Dougiamas, Moodle HQ, and Moodle Community. [4] 

Kaltura Video Platform: shares video experiences for worldwide people and groups. The Kaltura Community Edition is released under Affero GPL 3.0. [5] 

Nextcloud: client-server software, the product of Nextcloud GmbH Community, for storage, editing, and sharing file hosting services released under AGPL 3.0. [6] 

Collabora Online: is an open-source online office suite developed by Collabora Productivity on MPL 2.0 license. [7] 

Mattermost Team Edition: An open-source online chat service produced by Mattermost, Inc. under MIT and AGPL v.3.0. [8] 

Focalboard: An open-source knowledge management service with database tools produced by Mattermost, Inc. under MIT  and AGPL v.3.0. [9] 

WBO: An open-source online collaborative whiteboard developed by Ophir LOJKINE on AGPLv3 license. [10] 

Whitebird: An online collaborative whiteboard developed as part of a study project at the Hochschule Kaiserslautern under the GPLv3 license. [11] 

Apache Guacamole: A cross-platform Remote Desktop Gateway maintained by the Apache Software Foundation under the Apache License 2.0. [12] 

FreeCAD: A parametric 3D computer-aided design (CAD) solid modeler developed under LGPL 2.0. [13] 

Blender: A 3D computer graphics software developed under GPL 2.0. [14] 

POV-Ray: A ray-tracing and rendering program developed under AGPL 3.0. [15] 

Radiance: A program developed by Greg Ward under the license of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's project-specific open-source that can perform optical and landscape simulations. [16] 

MeshLab: An open-source 3D mesh processing tool developed under GPL version 2 or later. [17] 

Keycloak: An open-source software to allow single sign-on developed by WildFly, Red Hat, under Apache License 2.0. [18]