Beyond apps Labs

Solve your Zendesk Simple Status problem with Advanced Workflow.

Advanced Workflow for Zendesk

Advanced Workflow is currently in Alpha. We are really interested by your feedbacks, needs and questions in order to improve this app ! So, don't hesitate to drop us a mail at 😉

Update your sub-status in a click !

Zendesk status can be limitative for your activity as there is only 6 status available. With Advanced workflow, you can add sub-status to be more precise in your process according to customised workflow.

Easy to set-up !

Each Steps of the workflow is a potential value of a Custom Field. These Steps can be linked to a Zendesk ticket status. Transitions between Steps are named and used by agents on tickets to update the Custom Filed value.

keep your customers updated.

This sub-status can visible by your customers so they can follow their tickets more precisely.