Call for Papers

The workshop invites submissions from computer scientists, philosophers, economists and sociologists wanting to discuss contributions ranging from the formulation of epistemic and normative principles for AI, their conceptual representation in formal models, to their development in formal design procedures and translation into computational implementations.

Topics of interest include, but are not at all limited to:


The workshop invites (possibly non-original) submissions of FULL PAPERS (up to 15 pages) and SHORT PAPERS (up to 5 pages). Short papers are particularly suitable to present work in progress, extended abstracts, doctoral theses, or general overviews of research projects. Note that all papers will undergo a careful peer-reviewer process and, if accepted, camera-ready versions of the papers will be published on the AIxIA subseries of CEUR proceedings (Scopus indexed). 

Manuscripts must be formatted using the 1-column CEUR-ART Style (you can access the Overleaf template here). For more information, please see the CEUR website  Papers must be submitted through EasyChair