I am currently having trouble with using Sapera LT camera config files (.ccf) with my current project that uses the Sapera ++ API. so far I can get output from a camera when using the default settings, but the default settings mean that my camera (genie Nano-C 1280) makes the input monochromatic. as such, I wanted to use a configuration file that would set the camera to color. the configuration file works with Saperas' CamExpert tool but so far not with my code, here is what I have tried so far.

when using the default I connect to the camera but my other attempst don't make it that far. I am a bit stuck as to what else I could do/try to get this camera returning frames in colour. any help would be apreciated thanks in advance!

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does work for loading a .ccf file just to remember that when using std namespace to double up on ALL of our backward slashes. in order to get RBG format out of your Teledyne Dalsa camera you need to load the appropriate firmware first. I hope this helps you as much as it has me.

I remember reading somewhere that you can create your own custom camera settings for your desired views. Does anybody know where these settings are stored? The reason I ask is that I almost always modify the default camera settings in the cameras.cfg file to my liking, but man, this is a tedious process as you have to make a small change, exit the entire simulator program, load it up again, make another small change, etc. If I could set a desired view, then store that as a custom camera setting, then view those settings, well, that would certainly save a huge amount of time.

Since upgrading my Windows Client Software to version 8.1.28, the b**ton to restore the configuration settings to a camera has disappeared, I navigate to the camera settings > System > Maintenance where I can see the option to Export Configuration but there is no option to import configuration? Please can you advise how to do this?

Whilst talking about this subject, I would rather not have to do this at all however I have noticed that my camera's configuration is lost every so often (about once every 2 months) which is why I decided to export the config so I can easily and quickly restore it whenever this happens. Why is my configuration lost periodically? I actually have 4x C2 Pro cameras running and each of them have the same problem but at different times, they don't all loose their config settings at the same time but they each loose their config settings separately at random times but at least once every couple of months. Is there any reason for this?


Sorry that the import config files function has been removed last year. The older exported config files may not be compatible with our new desktop software and if users import the previous exported config files into the new desktop software, the software may crash. That's why you cannot find the import camera settings function after the update. Hope this clarifies.

We have been receiving reports from our users that they have encountered compatibility issues when exporting and importing config files between cameras with newer and older hardware version. That's why we remove this function temporarily and work on these issues since then. We will relaunch this function later when we find solutions to eliminate the compatibility issues.

As for the configuration lost issue, may I know when they lose the configuration, will they also ask you to set a new pa*sword and device name?

I fear the engineering staff have "fed you a line." It is almost trivial to code a configuration file with the software version. When importing a configuration file, the first step would be to confirm that it was made on the current firmware. If not, reject the configuration file as incompatible.

There is no reason to remove the ability to save a configuration file and import it into the same camera on the the same software release.


Sometimes I am stunned and astounded with some decisions taken by the engineering people in Reolink. Taking things a step further, any importing code could be so smart to read an old format or version, apply any usable settings, fill the remaining ones with the usual default values and inform user about this. But, in any case, having the possibility to backup and restore current configuration at least should be obligatory.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused. And I understand your thoughts. Because we upgraded the new architecture with the new firmware. If the camera that originally used the old architecture/old firmware is upgraded to the new architecture, but the old config files are still used, compatibility issues will occur and the camera will not work properly. In order to avoid this problem, we canceled the import function in the new client.

Thank you very much for your suggestion, we will forward to our R&D team. And see if we can make some adjustments in this aspect.

And for the C1 pro, may i know will they also ask you to set a new pa*sword and device name when they lost the configration?

I don't know whether the problem is the same I wrote about in #1290430: from one day to the next all my configurations had disappeared, except the camera models. The names were changed to default "My device" and all settings and defined scenes were gone. And it is not the first time this has happened. In fact, it was for this reason that I opened my first Support ticket on past Sep 27, 2020, and since then it has been repeated several times for some or all of my cameras. If you have a client version still capable to import a configuration you are in luck, because an added problem in my case is that neither old or new Mac client versions can to do that (I discussed that issue in the same ticket, as well), so I am therefore obliged each time to delete those zombie cameras from the device list and add them again. The worst thing is that the solution is unseen in the horizon if FIVE MONTHS after my first ticket about it (I am sure that I am not alone with this problem) the response I get is "that is a known problem" and "[R&D team] will fix it in the future but now we don't have a proper solution for it". Very disappointing.

---- I opened the following Github issue about config file quality of life improvements: Improve the configuration file guide and debugging configuration syntax issuesĀ  Issue #1647Ā  micro-manager/micro-managerĀ  GitHub

PS: It would also be super helpful if micromanager failed with a property not found "PhysicalShutterOne", possible property values are "Physical Shutter One",... instead of just property not found "PhysicalShutterOne"

PPS: I would also like a better tutorial about setting those things up - just putting up a Github repo examples folder with actual examples of configuration file from major microscope manufacturers would be huge.

Hi, I have tried that, and I did get the Device,FooMyShutter,Utilities,Multi Shutter line for the shutter from doing this. I have tried loading my config file, going to the Property browser and setting the Physical shutter fields - that does work - but when I save this config in a new file I see no changes related to the physical shutters.

I could potentially still set on my channels the right shutter to use, but I would still have to go the Property browser each time to set the Physical Shutter 1 and 2 fields.

Thanks for your help!

But i'm trying to do the same with video/camera settings wich is (i quess) located in DefaultSystemSettings.ini wich is based on BaseSystemSettings.ini. But i cant find any in the BaseInput that looks simular to camera (fov.. angle etcc) or video (sync etc..).

Hello everyone. I have between 25-30 reolink cameras in my business and home. I use BI for them and the web interface for camera setting adjustment. I know that with other systems (ubiquity, home assistant) ssh into the machines allows you to change settings and put in custom software.

There are a few systems in VRChat that have configurable options or properties. These systems aren't customized with settings you can set in the application, as the default settings are sufficient for the vast majority of VRChat players.

VRChat doesn't create a configuration file by default. You can create your configuration file in %LocalAppdata%Low\VRChat\vrchat. The file must be named config.json and must consist of a valid JSON structure.

Normally, VRChat stores its cache in %AppData%\..\LocalLow\VRChat\vrchat in several sub-folders. This is the location that Microsoft Windows expects temporary program files to be stored, but advanced users may wish to move this cache in case of smaller OS drives or some other reason.

You can adjust the resolution of your camera's images and screenshot settings with some configuration options. The minimum resolution is 1280x720 pixels, and the maximum resolution is 7680x4320 pixels.

Camera model

raspi cam v1.2 with ir

What is the problem?

no matter what I change is the config file the log output stays at the default resolution fps and camera selection

What did you already try to solve it?

I have used 3 different pi's reinstalled octo print on all of them tried changing it using notepad++ as awell as the cmd line also have tried to focus the camera does not help


webcam log

And what other settings have you tried changing to that are not working? You saved the changes to that file and then rebooted your pi? The settings your changed were valid settings?

May I ask why you're using an IR camera? I wouldn't think that would work very well, not with all the heat coming off the hotend and the bed.

If you are changing the config file in Notepadd++ on a Windows machine, you also have to change the EOL setting to UNIX. Otherwise your are doing to get nasty formatting on your file, causing it to trash the file and use the default again. If Octoprint detects a bad config it will just use the defaults rather than not work at all. ff782bc1db

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