
Dark Gaslamp Fantasy| Comic Series

In a world where the shadows hide monsters, the life of one determined girl is completely changed when her father is attacked. Unable to live in a world where people are ruled by fear, she joins the Hunters Guild as an apprentice.

Little does she know the monsters she's contracted to kill are not the only beasts threatening innocent lives. As she rises in the ranks of the Guild, the political world of monsters and men starts to unravel, taking her deeper into the injustices of those in power. 

Through her letters to her sister, we see the heat of vengeance forge a killer who hunts not just the monsters under the bed, but also those in positions of power. 

View the official proposal here

View the script here!

Art: Jose Rondon, Letters: Matias Zanetti, Cover and Logo: Damian Felitte, Script: Beverly Peders. 

Science Fiction | Superhero | Comic Series

For some people, the future will never be here fast enough. The man who makes money off those people is Mr. Douglass, a tech billionaire who wants to revolutionize the world if only they would give him the source code. Instead of waiting for the world to set aside its precautions with respect to technology and  heavy safety regulations, Douglass decides to create his own haven on an island in the Pacific where science and innovation will always comes first.

Rules are meant for a reason and forty years after Scion’s construction on Graves Island, Mr. Douglass watches as his city is torn apart by panic, quarantine, and ambition. The spirit of his scientific passion lives on in Scion's citizens who take protecting their freedom to experiment and create into their own hands.

They are the Children of Scion.

View the official proposal here!

View the script here!

Pencils: Arakh, Inks: Giselle Martinez, Colors: Beth Varni, Letters: Zakk Saam, Logo: Callista Peders, Script: Beverly Peders