Green Nudges presentation Brandani.pdf
Progetto Behavioral Economics Lo Presti.pptx
Anchoring effect group 2.pptx
Switching to Locally is Switching to Sustainability by Titan, Arbid and Younes.pdf
How do people use Behavioral Economic theories influence Comsumption behavior in China nowadays- ZhenrongPan.pptx
The projects
Green Nudge - Silvia Taviani, Caterina Tomba, Irene Brandani and Grazia Laraspata

Behavioral Economics - Valeria Lo Presti

The Anchoring Effect - Francesco Bucci, Alessia Fratti, Monica Magroni, Alessandro Sgrignani

Switching to locally is switching to sustainability - Starly Eve Titan, Youssef Arbid, Ali Younis

How do people use Behavioral Economic Theory to Influence consumption behavior in China Nowadays - Zhenrong Pan