Bethlehem Eagles Baseball


Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard." - Tim Notke




Instructions: Simply hire out your child to family and friends to perform 10 hours of labor at $10/hour.  Have your child do the shopping, cleaning, raking, mowing, landscaping, painting (ok, maybe not painting), etc. They can enjoy doing all the things you do on a regular basis. Each player will raise a total of $100 which will go directly to the Bethlehem Baseball Booster Club. Thank you for supporting! 

All checks can be made payable to: Bethlehem Baseball Booster Club

Return completed form & funds to: Nancy Ruth (Freshman), Whitney Phelps (JV), Amy Johnston (Varsity) or Melissa Lurie (Varsity)

Booster Club

Are you a member of our booster club? If not click HERE to find out how you can help.

Online Parent Registration Form

Are you on the Booster Club's  Email List to  receive updates? If not, look under your son's level for the registration form.