Study Kits

 (DVD & CD)

Enter keyword(s) below to search Catalogue 

*Call No. represents what the item is about or the category it belongs to. It is also served as the item's address on the library's shelves. Our library uses the call numbers of the Dewey Decimal Classification System for our collection.

** Accession No. represents  the "ID of the item" assigned  when it is added  to our library collection .

Can't find the item you want in our Catalogue? Please email us the details of the item. 

We may purchase a copy for our Library. Our email is:

Discipleship Resources for Growing in Christ and Equipping to Serve

3333 Richardson Way SW Calgary, Alberta T3E 7B6 Canada

E-mail:  Tel: (403) 249-8605 Fax: (403) 249-0917