Everything You Need To Know About Matched Betting

Have you heard of the well-liked matched betting technique for sports? We are not shocked. It's a highly well-liked method among sports bettors who want to have the biggest edge possible. In this betting tutorial, we'll go over the basics of matched betting and how to get started if you decide to give it a shot.


What Is Matched Betting?


Matching betting, also known as bonus hunting, is a strategy used by sports bettors to take advantage of bookmakers' promotional offers. Betting platform providers offer customers welcome bonuses, weekly specials, or free bets.  These are offered to cover all sporting event outcomes and make money.


That may sound like a strange idea. But the top game development companies know all about these kinds of systems. It is true that they know that matched betting does happen on their sites, which is why they have specialist teams to ensure that they do not lose large sums to these kinds of schemes. That doesn't mean it is impossible to gain a minor advantage, but it does mean knowing how it all works.


How Does Matched Betting Work?


As we have explained, matched betting operates by placing bets on every scenario that might occur during a sporting event. You often can't employ matched betting by relying on betting sites. This is so that bookmakers may earn money since the odds they set for a certain sporting event contain a betting margin or house edge. This implies that you must use a betting exchange in order to engage in matched betting. Betfoc is the top sports betting exchange software provider in the world.


We decided to clarify a betting exchange before proceeding. 


So, what is it? A betting exchange enables gamblers to wager against other players rather than the bookmaker. At a betting exchange, you may ask other bettors for odds or give odds to them. On markets, traditional bookmakers compete against sports betting enthusiasts, but a betting exchange enables bettors to compete against one another while taking a tiny fee from the winner.


When comparing a betting exchange to a bookmaker, lay betting is the main distinction. Backing a pick to lose rather than win is known as a lay bet. At a betting exchange, every wager consists of two separate bets: one on the outcome of a selection, and the other on the outcome of the same selection if it loses. A betting exchange is crucial for matched betting since it allows lay bets, which is what makes it so.


Because they provide gamblers with a lot more options, betting exchanges are becoming popular. Before betting exchanges were created, you had to lose your wager if a bookmaker refused to provide the odds or markets you were looking for. With a betting exchange, you need to locate another player willing to lay your wager or accept the risk. In other words, a betting exchange allows you to locate the markets and odds you're looking for. The fact that they offer better value is another factor in their growing popularity. To ensure they constantly earn money, bookmakers subtract a tiny part from the odds rather than giving their players genuine odds. A betting exchange puts extra pressure on layers to set fair prices so that their bets are matched because the market is not priced by just one person but by thousands of bets.


Is Match Betting Worth It?


All bookmakers, both online and off, are vying for your business. They run promotions, which often take the shape of incentives and free bets, to draw in new consumers and keep hold of existing ones.


The bookmaker wants you to register on their website, put your first wager, and then they'll give you a free bet as a welcome bonus. Most clients will now put this wager again and lose. Thus, either the consumer loses both their initial wager and their free bet, or they get lucky and win both!


Now, although some clients may be prudent and stop there, others will pursue their losses to break even.  In any case, the bookmaker has finally prevailed. Whether you won or lost your wager, the bookmaker now has your phone number and email address, which means they may contact you with future advertisements.


However, by using the match betting strategy, you may enjoy these kinds of promos and ensured winnings. An average matched bettor may expect to make between £10 and £30 every hour. You may even stop there, never put another wager, and take off with your winnings.  But, you may now further benefit from these marketing emails and text messages if you choose to continue match betting.


Step-By-Step Guide On How To Do Match Betting


Step 1: Sign Up On A Match Betting Site


Online sportsbook software providers like Betfoc publish bookmaker offers every day. Then, in order to view them across all bookies, all these offers are gathered in one location.


They'll also provide you instructions on how to put your free bets, qualifying bets, and bets on certain sporting events. Additionally, a calculator can let you place bets on various platforms and calculate your odds.


Step 2: Make A Qualifying Bet


You must make a first or qualifying bet as your first type of wager. You get the free bet you require to open an account with both exchanges and bookies by doing this.


You may place your bets after choosing your bookmaker & exchange and depositing money. Make sure you adhere to the offers' detailed instructions and terms and conditions because this is where mistakes are frequently made.


You should put your back wager with the bookmaker first, and then your lay wager with your exchange. Additionally, make sure you check the lay and back odds at both sites before placing your bets. Just in case they are incorrect or there has been any movement.


Step 3: Make A Free Bet 


Once the bookmakers have given you your free bet, you are free to place another wager utilizing the same back-and-lay strategies. You're not placing a wager with your own money this time, though.


You may discover the events that are best suited to your bookmaker's offer by using the Betfoc tool once more. Greater liabilities (i.e., the amount you must deposit into your exchange on top of your investment) will go with any occurrences with greater probabilities. Thus, it could be wise to choose chances that are closer to the lowest possible for your offer.