The Best Used Car Dealer In Dover Delaware Should Have The Best Used Car Warranty, Right?

What Makes Auto Maxx Dover's Used Care Warranty Possibly The Best In The Country?

Everything on the car that we inspect, not just the motor and transmission, is covered. Most warranties from dealers anywhere throughout the United States is what they call a 50/50 warranty.

They do it this way: You pay to repair half, and the other used car dealers pay the other half… except they really don’t. Not only is it traditionally only on engine and transmission, but the reality is that the other dealers pay nothing. They do not pass on any savings to you, but make you pay for the whole price while telling you they pay half. You are not actually ever told the true price of the repairs, so that they can take advantage of you.

Our best used car warranty does not prey on customers as the other used vehicle dealerships do. Instead, it helps you maintain a well running car for the life of the loan. Ask any good mechanic, how do you prevent major repairs in the life of a car or truck? With routine inspections of all the systems in the car. Small affordable and manageable repairs turn into major car repair crisis' with inattention. Our program pays for these bi-yearly inspections. These total up to nearly $1000 if you were to pay your own mechanic. In addition, our warranty covers the alternator, water pumps, the radiator, all belts, hoses, the brakes, ball joints, tie rods, and the exhaust system.

That’s why we have such a strict quality control inspection and why we recondition cars… because we have to pay if something goes wrong. Our family has been selling used vehicles for 44 years now. We have found this store policy helps us be the best we can be, and gives our used car customers great peace of mind.

As you can see, our warranty and free twice a year inspection puts you in the right place to have a practical and long running used car. Call us today to see what else we can do to even help your credit with a smart and practical used car financing process. Original Source:

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