
What is basal thermometer?

A Basal Thermometer is used to measure basal temperature or the base body temperature.. This temperature is called Basal Body Temperature (BBT). Basal thermometer use is carried out for natural family planning that is why it is also known as basal thermometer for birth control.

How is a basal thermometer different?

Basal thermometers are just like other thermometers but they are more sensitive in working and used to measure minute temperature variation in body. Basal Body Temperature thermometer provides temperature reading up to 100th part where as simple thermometer provide only up to 10th part of temperature. Basal Body Thermometer is used to forecast fertility period or ovulation. Basal Body Temperature is taken when the body is at rest.

Why temperature changes during ovulation?

Ovulation normally causes minute change in body temperature which can only be measured by these Basal Body Thermometers. During ovulation, change in hormones causes increase in temperature. It normally remains high almost two weeks. In case of conceiving, the temperature continues to remain high. If the temperature decreases it give signs of upcoming periods. All this happen due to changes in hormones. Due to this people are using basal thermometer to predict ovulation.

How Does Basal Thermometer work?

Basal Body thermometers have memory inside it capable of storing temperature readings over period of time. Basal Body Temperature Thermometers are mostly connected with app usually through mobile. These apps create thermometer charts showing variation of temperature over different days in during a month spread over a period of time. Low and high temperature show time before and after ovulation i.e fertile period to conceive.

How to use a basal thermometer to predict ovulation?

The temperature of body changes as soon body wake up from sleep and start physical movement. So it is advised to take temperature right after awakening from sleep and before leaving bed to washroom to measure accurate temperature. Because in this state the body is in rest and it’s a perfect time to record it. Basal Body Temperature is also called lowest body temperature. Basal Body Thermometers also known as bbt thermometer. Their price vary depending upon accuracy and manufacturer.

  • Basal body temperature method advantages and disadvantages-These are just like simple thermometer in shape

  • Automatically record temperature over a period of time and help apps to generate charts for fertility period.

  • Known as proven basal thermometer

  • Functionality make decrease due to weak power supply which comes through batteries

  • Need to take temperature of body regularly to enable app to make charts for prediction

  • Basal body temperature may be affected by illness, stress, Alcohol, irregular sleeping timings, Gynecologic disorders. View more...