Popular Adjustable Height Desk

Designed for India, built by the engineers behind Uplift and Fully. Every Balanced product is envisioned to offer durability, comfort, and the latest workplace innovations that benefit our customers. Meet the first standing desk that you can build unlike any that has come before. Personalize. Customize. We make customized standing desk solutions accessible.

Benefits of Using a Sit Stand Desk

If you spend most of your day sitting down, it can be difficult to keep your body active. An active mind and body are key to remaining productive, focused and energized throughout the day. This is why many people have begun turning to sit-stand desks as a way to combat sedentary lifestyles. These desks allow users to work at a desk for long periods of time or stand up and walk around for short periods of time several times throughout the day.

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What the Standing Desk Can Do for Your Health

Long-term sitting habits that lead to obesity and back pain have been linked with a range of health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, and high levels of obesity. Our bodies are not meant to remain inactive for long periods of time. All biological processes, including metabolism and joint lubrication, depend on movement. Standing desks are becoming more popular among office workers as they seek to lower the risk of back problems and other health issues More Info.

Increase Productivity With Standing Desk

Many people hesitate to use a sit-stand desk because they are concerned that they will lose the time they spend sitting at their desk. While most people do report that they have more time to complete tasks while standing at their desk, there are additional benefits that come with using a sit-stand desk that can help to increase productivity. A sitting desk can increase productivity by improving concentration and focus.

Adjustable Desk products