Is Hand Stitching Stronger Than Machine Stitching?

There is always a question in mind that comes before buying a sewing machine that if the hand stitching stronger than machine stitching. Perhaps this will limit you while buying the sewing machine for you. The stitches from sewing machine is much durable & stronger than hand stitching with no doubt because the two strands of threads and secures the stitches with a knot. That is the reason why professionals always prefer to use sewing machines than hand sewing. With this article let’s see how you can rely on sewing machines in these modern days.

Machine Stitching VS Hand Stitching

The sewing machine lets you do the stitching more powerfully and easily. Let’s compare the both,

These are some of the differences between machine stitching and hand stitching. By looking at these points perhaps you may be thinking to buy a sewing machine. So, where to buy sewing machines? As there are so many available choices in the market of sewing machines that you might get confused about where to buy sewing machine. Looking at some of the sewing machines before buying will help you.

How much faster is a sewing machine than hand sewing?

A sewing machine is always better than hand sewing. As the sewing is done by machine it’s obvious that the sewing will be done faster. Sewing machines will let you save your precious time. To stitch a pillow by hand can take approximately an hour or less. But by doing with the machine it hardly takes less than an hour.

Final Thought

People use to do stitch by hand in old when there was less availability of sewing machines. But as of now, people tend to use sewing machines as they are very durable and good enough to do the stitches in a nice way. By going through this article perhaps you noted that machine stitching is better than hand stitching. And last but not least know now you got to know about that it's really worth to get a sewing machine. So choose the one you actually need.