10 minutes meditation

If you are experiencing that stress and anxiety that significantly influence your satisfaction and well being, you may have thought about attempting Meditation, which has been well-known to demonstrate great improvement in reducing stress and anxiety and your overall health. But do you know how much you should meditate for Meditation to work?

When I initially began acknowledging Meditation, I was astounded when I discovered that only 10 minutes of practice a day can have a major advantage on your mental health and well being. It's not the time of Meditation that is important, it is the frequency of Meditation. So it is better to meditate for ten minutes daily than to spend an hour once a week.

Meditation benefits are not something to doubt on. The benefits are recognized by both the Buddhist and scientific perspectives. From the Buddhist point of view meditation improves our stability and focus, it significantly encourages positive emotions and kindness to let out while science says it improves physical health and increases productivity.

There are many guided meditation material available on our website you can reach anytime when you are willing to meditate. That 10 minute guided meditation will cultivate focus, compassion and more relaxation to mind and body.

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