Hip Replacement Surgery – Choosing the Right Approach

Hip Replacement Surgery – Choosing the Right Approach

 Hip replacement surgery is nothing less than a life-changing operation to provide you relief from the hip discomfort that you have been suffering as a result of an accident, injury, or any other health concern. During this procedure, the surgeon removes the sick or damaged hip joint components and replaces them with artificial elements made of metal, ceramic, and plastic. The post-surgery life wards off all the challenges and discomfort you have been struggling with and improves your quality of life. 

You can look for the best hip replacement surgeon in Delhi, India, and decide on the right approach. Here’s everything about it in detail. 

What are the Different Hip Replacement Approaches? 

During your appointment, the best hip replacement surgeon in India will access the hip from either the front or back. Depending on your overall health condition and additional factors, they will decide on the right approach for the surgery. 

Direct Hip Replacement Approach 

In this approach, the patient lays on their back while the surgeon makes an incision at the front of their hip, allowing the surgeon to operate by working between muscles without cutting them. The direct hip replacement approach results in a shorter recovery time as the muscles aren’t damaged. As the direct hip replacement approach is a more technically challenging procedure, it can be harder with obese or muscular patients. 

Posterior Hip Replacement Approach 

During this procedure, the surgeon accesses the hip joint from behind the femur and performs the surgery without cutting the muscles. Compared to others, this surgery is less complicated and has a quicker recovery time. The muscles are not damaged, and the patient can resort to their daily routine within a few days. 

Anterior Hip Replacement Approach 

In this hip replacement surgery, the surgeon will make access through the front of the patient’s hip to minimize the damage to surrounding muscles and shorten the recovery time. It is a muscle-sparing procedure that ensures the patient recovers faster after surgery without developing a limp. 

Super Path Approach 

This approach for hip replacement surgery is the latest one that utilizes a similar pathway of placing a nail into the leg on account of fracturing the hip. The surgeon makes an incision above the greater trochanter and gluteus Maximus and splits it with its fibres. After that, the gluteus medius is retracted forward. 

Depending on the approach your surgeon has finalized, hip replacement surgery may take 1-2 hours to complete. 

When Should I Consider Hip Replacement Surgery? 

You can consider hip replacement surgery on account of the following events. 

How Long Does it Take to Recover from Hip Replacement Surgery? 

The recovery starts taking place within 24 hours of the surgery. You will be advised to use a cane, walker, or crutches within a day or two to walk after surgery. Gradually, the doctor will suggest you increase the distance and frequency of walking. Full recovery takes place in two to eight weeks, depending on your general health and other factors. 

Can I have Both Hips Replaced Together? 

The patient can get hip replacement surgery on both hips at the same time. The surgeon will understand your medical history. If you are younger than 75 and do not have any history of cardiopulmonary disease, you can get both hips replaced simultaneously. 


Selecting the right approach for your hip replacement surgery requires careful assessment of your condition. It is advised to speak to the best professional in the industry. Dr. Ashwani Maichand is a leading orthopaedic surgeon with years of experience in the field. Whether you want to opt for minimally invasive surgery or a more standard approach, the objective should be to improve your quality of life by relieving pain and restoring mobility. It would be fair to discuss all the details involving the surgery with the surgeon and then make an informed decision as per their recommendation. All the best.