Best Christmas Lights

Dear girls Christmas season

Someone once asked if being single is happy, I can not give a full meaningful answer, I just know that alone is still fine. This Christmas season, if you are still single, don't be sad, because sometimes we are single to wait for someone who deserves, for a more worthy love ...

I've read somewhere that Christmas is inherently not just a season, it's an emotion. The emotional things are often difficult to express in a clear way.

Some people consider being single as sad, like being alone in a couple of thousands of people. But some others, like me, consider being single as a habit, because they are accustomed to its presence, so it is not so important who comes to, trying to lift the cloud.

Those who have come and gone have written a few stories, happy to have, tragic yes. Above all, after all that, I realized that, before you love others, you need to love yourself.

The heart always has a difficult reason to understand, but even if you want it, sometimes it is difficult to control. Just like, on a beautiful sunny day, the person you love lets go of saying goodbye after years of holding hands without giving any explanation. You are immersed in a jumble, those who forget it completely, those who stay behind, remember to clear each word.

Never let love become an option. Once your heart has run out of love, don't hold back. What you receive at that time will not be intact as it was in the beginning.

Originally, in this world, no one cannot live without anyone. No matter how painful my heart is, then I will move on, even though I walk away from pain and fear. You would rather be single but definitely not accept any more love.

To single girls Christmas season - 2Click to enlarge imageLet's enjoy the life of a single girl proudly. (Artwork: Kien Ka Ka)

No one denies that he is afraid of being alone, but no one can deny that he is afraid of love. Christmas days are approaching, walking out onto the street to see people hand clasped hands, happy smiles and gentle eyes, are you heartbroken?

But one thing that frightens people more than loneliness is the hurt, the debris debris so deep, that even though time has smoothed, it still feels as clear as just yesterday.

Maybe, single life lacks a few sounds and colors to be considered perfect. But I've never found it so bad, because at least being single taught me many lessons to grow up. Because life will not be because I am the weaker sex but "love flowers and love pearls", life is still full of storms and hardships.

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Of course, having someone beside, to lean on, to lean on when weak is fine, but that does not mean we just stubbornly find one, then wrong, and then hurt.

We love to be happy, not to "process" more and more, to love is the willingness, not because of loneliness, but holds a hand, leaning on one shoulder.

Do not see a person alone alone and think they are alone, sometimes being single is enjoyment. You can go places you want to go, meet people you want to meet, life is long and there are so many things to explore.

Then you will find that being single is not so terrible, and we are happy with our own free sky.

We are single, waiting for a worthy person, waiting for a worthy love. This Christmas season, even if you are single, don't be sad ...