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You may be "depressed" if you feel so empty or depressed that it becomes difficult to lead a normal life and have trouble coping with it. Depressive disorder or clinical depression may be a diagnosis.

Understanding Depression

Understanding depression is key to effectively beating it. Understanding depression is the first step to beating it.

Depression is a serious illness. Depression is the most common mental health problem. Research has shown that at least 17 million Americans are affected by depression.

You're not the only one!

This is more than temporary sadness. It's the normal sadness and pain that comes with the loss of a friend. This can be a "side effect" of daily life's ups and downs. These feelings can cause feelings of worthlessness or helplessness. These feelings of despair, hopelessness, and emptiness can become so persistent and pervasive that they can disrupt your daily life and limit your ability to study or work.

These are the most common symptoms and signs of depression:

You may notice a decline in your interest in daily activities. It is possible to find friends, hobbies and social activities less enjoyable. You are no longer interested in pleasure, joy, and happiness.

Sleep disorder. Insomnia is when you can't sleep or wake up at night.

Concentration problems Can make it difficult to focus, concentrate and make decisions.

You can feel depressed or tired. It is possible to feel slow and tired, almost as if you are a zombie. It's difficult to get up and go to work. It is difficult to complete simple tasks.

Eating Disorder. Either your appetite has disappeared or you cannot stop eating. You may become extremely overweight or very underweight.

Irritability. Now you are extremely irritable, and have a short temper.

You may experience more severe pains and aches. Common complaints include headaches, back pains, and muscle pain.

Your life seems unworthy. You feel overwhelmed and lacking motivation

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Types of Depression

There are many types of depression. Major Depression and Dysthymic Depression are the most common. It is important to know your type of depression in order to manage it effectively.

Major depression and major depressive disorder. This type of depression can impact your ability to do normal activities such as driving, studying, and work. It can be very debilitating. It can be severe or mild and can last several months if it is not treated. Although it may not be common, severe symptoms can occur and they may recur.

Dysthymic (or Dysthymic): Dysthymic, Dysthymia. Dys refers to a disorder, thymia to a mood. This form of depression is usually less severe. Dysthymia may present with more severe symptoms than major depression symptoms, but can last up to two years. Although it does not cause permanent disability, dysthymia can impact your ability to function well.

Bipolar Disorder, Manic Depressive Disorder, and Seasonal Affective Disorder are all forms depressive disorders.

Mood swings can also be called manic depression or bipolar disorder. One pole could be extreme high or mania. Another pole could be extreme low or depression. Anxiety can cause excessive talk, hyperactivity, and excessive sexual desire.

Seasonal Affective Disorder is a condition that is more common in the winter and autumn when there is less sunshine. People can feel depressed when the environment is gray and gloomy.

Causes and risk factors for depression

What makes you feel so depressed? What causes depression?

Many factors can cause depression. Multiple factors can cause depression, including genetic, psychological, and environment.

Depression can be passed from one generation to another. Some people may inherit depression-prone genes. Although genes don't cause depression, certain social and psychological factors can increase the likelihood. Stressful life events can trigger the genetic tendency to depression.

Research has shown that chemical imbalances in the brain may cause depression. Neurotransmitters are fluids that control the body's movements and provide energy (adrenalin). Serotonin is one of the neurotransmitters that are associated with depression. It regulates mood and alertness. If a person is overstimulated, Serotonin can become more efficient than it can make. Depression can result. Research has shown that depression may also be caused when there is an increase in Cortisol levels or by other biological factors.