Best Time To Post On YouTube

A brief history

So, the big question is, what is the best time to post on YouTube, so you catch the wave of attention from the millions waiting for notification of the latest and greatest creation being posted on your channel.

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If you're a YouTuber, you may be wondering about the best time to post your videos to get maximum attention from your viewers. After all, you want your latest creations to be noticed by the millions of people eagerly waiting for your updates.

Timing is crucial when it comes to getting the most views on your videos. Studies have shown that the best times to post on YouTube are during the weekdays, specifically on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. These days tend to have higher engagement rates compared to other days of the week.

Another factor to consider is the length of your video. Shorter videos tend to have a higher engagement rate, which means that you should consider posting your shorter videos during the weekdays when engagement is higher.

For years, people have been trying to figure out the best time to post their latest YouTube video to ensure that it catches the wave of attention from the millions waiting for notification of the latest and greatest creation being posted on your channel. This has been challenged for years, and some people have got this down to a perfect knack, while the unfortunate are still wondering what the hell I’m talking about.

So, for those who don’t already know, there has always been a recommendation for the optimum time of day, week, and month to upload your latest video creation. Many other social networks will have their own recommended times, but today we will only discuss YouTube.

Firstly, you must know who your main audience is and complete a complete persona of their likes and dislikes, the country and currency, and the time now. Look at your watch or the nearest time face and confirm if you are in the same place as your preferred audience. If you answer yes to being in the same location as your preferred customer base, then you are one step ahead. If you can’t answer yes, then your work begins in identifying where in the world your major audience comes from and what the difference is between the time of your locale, against that of your customer.

So, if you’re in Thailand and have worked out that your main customers are in Europe and America, you will need to pitch a central point for your European time zone and those crossing North America's east to west, depending on your starting direction. Simply put, are your customers sleeping right now, and when do they wake?

Now, here comes the interesting part. It’s been said that 8 am, 12 noon, and 4 pm are the suggested times on any given day to grab the attention of your followers on your channel, with a burst of something new and entertaining. However, we haven’t mentioned the optimum day in the week.

There are a few things to consider here. Firstly, how long it takes for YouTube itself to index the creator’s video and push this out to the subscribers’ (you) notification feed. I won’t say this is an exact science and give you this a time. But this will be determined by the quality of your available WIFI or internet provider, the length and quality of your video file, and the format. If you’re aware of this element, you can make a good judgment of how long your videos take, with a little testing along the way.

From Monday to Wednesday afternoon, between the hours of 2 pm to 4 pm of your main audience’s time zone, there’s more optimism during the first few days in the week. By the end of the week, people’s attention spans are waning a little more than normal as they look forward to the upcoming weekend. So, Thursdays and Fridays, posting between 12 noon to 3 pm, makes sense as their attention turns towards clearing tasks before the weekend or leaving the office early or right on time without late distractions.

Don’t disturb anyone on the weekends unless you’re going LIVE during a life-changing event! Just watch and make note of when your subscriptions make their posting. Track this for a week, make note of their location, and track just what’s going on.

Another factor to consider is the length of your video. Shorter videos tend to have a higher engagement rate, which means that you should consider posting your shorter videos during the weekdays when engagement is higher.

Additionally, you can use YouTube's scheduling feature to plan and schedule your video posts in advance. This can be particularly helpful if you have a busy schedule and don't have time to post videos manually at the best times.

It's also important to keep in mind that consistency is key when it comes to posting on YouTube. If you post videos regularly at the same time and day each week, your viewers will come to expect new content from you at that time. This can help build a loyal following and keep your viewers engaged with your channel.

In summary, the best time to post on YouTube is during weekdays, specifically on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, when engagement rates are typically higher. It's also important to consider your target audience's time zone and viewing habits, as well as the length of your video. By utilizing YouTube's analytics tools and scheduling feature, and maintaining a consistent posting schedule, you can increase your views, engagement, and grow your channel over time.

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