Why integration testing is harder than unit testing?

Before jumping right into understanding as to why integration testing is harder than unit testing, it is much better to first understand the differences between integration tests vs unit tests. Once the differences between integration tests vs unit tests are known, then it will be quite easy to know as to why integration testing is harder than unit testing.

Differences between unit testing vs Integration testing:

Unit testing:

Integration testing:

The information provided below will help a reader understand as to why integration testing is harder than unit testing:

The nature of the functionality being tested is one of the primary reasons that depicts as to why integration testing is more complex than unit testing. As the interface accuracy of several parts of an application is being checked, hence, there is a requirement for extensive setup to create and run the tests.

More defects than unit tests are revealed by integration tests and upon that the tester is required to build real-world user scenarios into their testing protocol.

Following are a few points that depict as to why integration testing is harder than unit testing:

There will be scenarios where too many permutations and paths are required for integration testing.