Best scoliosis surgeon in india

Two Scoliosis Surgery Options That Aren't Fusion Best scoliosis surgeon in india

The long-term outcomes of spinal fusion are uncertain, but the procedure still remains one of the most common scoliosis surgeries. However, there are two additional scoliosis surgery options that aren't fusion. These are described below. Neither of these surgeries is right for every scoliosis patient, so it is important to consider all the benefits and risks before choosing your scoliosis treatment.

Sattvik spine foundation in bangalore - Best scoliosis surgeon in india involves small chest incisions and video monitoring devices to see the backbone as it is curved. These modern surgical tools make the procedure less invasive and yield better results. Because the incisions are hidden by the patient's arm, they're easier to hide, resulting in a shorter recovery time. Another advantage of VATS is that it can correct rib humps in a more conservative way.

The most common surgical procedure for scoliosis is spinal fusion. While the fusion option is the most commonly performed, it has many side effects and physical limitations. It increases the risk of spinal problems in the non-fused area for years afterward. Additionally, if you're already suffering from another condition, spinal fusion is an excellent option for you. While fusion is the most effective treatment, it's also one of the most invasive.

The surgery is an invasive one. It involves screwing the vertebrae together and placing metal rods around the spine to pull it into a straight alignment. This type of scoliosis surgery has become the gold standard for scoliosis patients. Although this method is very effective, it comes with a high risk of complications. You may need months of rehabilitation before you can resume your normal activities.

For the most severe scoliosis cases, fusion is the best option. The fusion procedure has a high complication rate. The surgeon needs to be able to perform this procedure in order to prevent the spine from moving out of alignment. If the surgery is successful, the patient will not experience any pain or complications after the surgery. This means that fusion is the best option for your scoliosis. discussed by Best scoliosis surgeon in india.

Although fusion is the most common treatment option for severe scoliosis, it can also be expensive. While fusion is the most common option, it does have some disadvantages. While fusion is the most effective scoliosis surgery available today, it is still very expensive. In addition, it doesn't guarantee your health. The surgeon will need to monitor you carefully while you are growing up.

While fusion is the traditional treatment for scoliosis, it can be dangerous and invasive. The resulting curve in the spine is permanently fixed. The surgery may cause an infection and may cause a significant amount of spinal inflexibility. The other option, a combination of anterior and posterior spine surgery, is more expensive and requires more time than fusion. Aside from these risks, there are several other scoliosis surgery options that aren't fusion.

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