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10 Basic Manners That Every Child Should Be Taught

Ensuring that a young person grows into a kind, courteous and respected adult is the primary responsibility of parents. Teaching a child excellent manners and etiquette is more essential than ever in this technological world. Babaji Vidhyashram, one of the best schools in Sithalapakkam, believes that the sooner you start instilling healthy habits in children, the faster they'll integrate them into their daily lives. Following is a list of basic banners a child should be instilled with as early as possible.

Importance of Using Appropriate Phrases & Standard Etiquette

The simplest approach to making sure your child learns to say "Thank you," "Please," and "I'm sorry" is to make sure they hear you say these words often and everyday. A parent must teach their child all the appropriate phrases. Children should use "please" when asking for something and say "thank you" as they receive something.

Good table manners play a significant role. Teach children basic table etiquette, such as washing their hands before eating, placing napkins on the lap, refraining from conversation while eating, and clearing the table of all dishes. It also involves waiting for everyone to be served before eating. Whether it is a significant family celebration or a regular family dinner, children must be able to handle simple and decent manners.

Basic Manners Which Every Child Should Know

The basic manners that every child must learn are:

No Interruptions

It is well known that children will constantly strive to attract your attention. However, they should not interrupt a conversation midway. Teach children to immediately use the word "Excuse me" to get someone's attention. But the most crucial lesson to impart to them is: "Is it important, and is it permissible to interrupt?"

Telephone Manners

Being rude on the phone can be extremely disrespectful. You must instil this etiquette in kids from early on. Teach children to come to address whoever the other person is in a polite manner when they attend a phone call.

Addressing Appropriately

Addressing someone properly is crucial. Never forget to teach children to address adults by their first name and initials, such as Miss, Mrs, and Mr. When you talk to someone, remember to maintain eye contact. They should also be familiar with appropriate behaviour for children, including having polite conversations and asking others how they are. Or simply being able to answer their questions respectfully.

Other Ways to Teach Manners in Children

Unless you compliment someone, which is generally appreciated, it is extremely impolite to make physical remarks about someone. They should never express their disapproval of anyone. If this is not instilled in a child from a young age, they may grow up believing it is okay to make fun of others, whether on the playground or among their peers at school. They should be aware that bullying and making fun of others, whether in public or private, is unacceptable.

Teach them the meaning of empathy and why it is a prized trait. Help your child develop the habit of being a good person. Whenever help is needed, a helping hand is appreciated. Also, it teaches children to be considerate of others. This instils sympathy in them.

Teach children not to poke or touch anything when visiting family or someone's home. This is considered rude by many. Before you take anything, get consent. Asking permission is the proper course of action if a young person wishes to take something that is not theirs. It is important to teach children that they must repay the borrowed money and express their gratitude to the lender.

The value of privacy must be instilled in a child, especially at home. They must learn to knock gently and ask permission before entering a room. Parents must set a good example for their children to follow when teaching great manners.

The Bottom-line

The lack of etiquette instruction they received as children explains the lack of etiquette knowledge among many young people today. Children cannot acquire such good manners in the classrooms due to the overloaded curriculum. Thus, the best schools in Sithalapakkam, like the Babaji Vidhyashram, emphasize holistic development among children through proper personality development activities.

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