Treatment Options for Treating Severe OCD

It is still unknown so as to what causes OCD but there is a proof that it may have a genetic component. An individual with a parent, sibling or child with OCD have a higher chance of developing the signs of OCD in themselves. Some of the other risk factors that are involved in OCD are trauma and a past history of childhood physical or sexual abuse. In addition to this, brain imaging studies have also cleared the fact that there is difference between the brain Pathways in normal and in people with OCD. Although, there isn't any perfect cure for OCD but still there are some of the treatments that are used by psychiatrist in Bhopal so as to deal with severity of OCD. So here in this article we are going to talk about out the treatment options that are available for treating the severity of OCD.

So let's get started!

· Medication: The medications of treating OCD are determined only by the severity of signs or symptoms and also on the basis of any other mental health disorder like depression or anxiety disorder. It has been proved that medications act effectively for improving the symptoms of OCD. The medications are prescribed as needed by the patient and also that depends on the special features that accompany OCD for stop

· Psychotherapy: Some of the therapy is like CBT or cognitive-behavioral therapy, habit reversal training, and exposure and response therapy have proved to be effective in case of treating OCD. But amongst them, CBT is an evidence-based therapy that has shown to be effective in treating the patient with OCD.

· ERP or Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy: ERP is a particular type of CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy that helps and individual in relieving the fear based signs or symptoms by exposing the patient to their internal or external fears. The OCD treatment in Bhopal includes the introduction of object of fear in front and then the patient is taught coping skills which helps in reducing the anxiety that is attached to this trigger. With the passage of time and as the patient becomes comfortable with ERP, the therapy helps an individual to manage their response to the triggers.

· HBT or habit reversal training: This is practiced in front of a mirror when the patient becomes aware of the psychological muscle of body sensation that is associated with it and then the psychiatrist helps in developing the awareness of how the urge develops. With this, the patient learns to develop a response or intervention that blocks the Desire of performing the habit.