Doctors Book of Survival

"My Type 2, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol VANISHED. Plus I ditched my 6 prescriptions." - Dr. John Herzog

During a crisis... when patients line the hallways and crowd the doors...

Hospitals are forced into impossible life or death decisions...

Who gets treated?

And... who gets turned away to fend on their own?

... Neglected by the system while looking for help?

It happened during Hurricane Katrina.

While many Americans were killed by the initial flooding...

The most senseless deaths occurred AFTER the storm...

Where Americans with existing illnesses, diseases, or injuries... simply weren't treated.

The medical system... simply collapsed.

Many simply died in local hospitals... waiting for treatment.

You'll get instant access to The Doctor's Book of Survival Home Remedies.

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Get the world's #1 Source for science-backed, Dr.-approved home remedies that will have your back when you need it most.

Click the button now, and I'll see you on the other side.

God bless you, and God bless America.

Christine from North Carolina: I just received the digital version of your book. I have been reading it non-stop. I like the way it is organized and easy to read/understand. I appreciate your concern on health and survival and find it to be similar to mine. I am looking forward to reading the book from cover to cover. Thank you for your experience, research, and recommendations. I am already taking notes to begin our healthier lifestyle!

Diana T. from Maine, USA Thankfully, people like this Dr. Herzog help us to have additional healthful options for caring for ourselves! Medical doctors who prescribe pills are lifesavers, deserving our respect. But prevention and building up our health on our own is even better when possible!