Toe, Foot, and Ankle Problems

Everybody has had a minor issue with a toe, foot, or ankle. Most of the time our body movements don't cause problems, but it's not surprising that symptoms create from regular mileage or overuse. Toe, foot, or ankle problems can also occur from injuries or the natural process of maturing.

Your toes, feet, or ankles may burn, sting, hurt, feel drained, sore, stiff, numb, tingly, hot, or cold. You may have had a muscle issue in your foot while lying in bed around evening time. Your feet or ankles may change shading or swell. You may have seen an embarrassing scent from your feet. Some changes in your feet and ankles are ordinary as a person ages or during pregnancy, says Best Podiatrists in New York City. Home treatment is usually all that is expected to assuage your symptoms.

Toe, foot, or ankle problems might be caused by an injury. In the event that you think an injury caused your concern, see the Toe, Foot, or Ankle Injuries. But there are numerous non-injury causes of toe, foot, or ankle problems.

Skin Problems

Most skin problems that influence your feet are more irritating than they are serious. In the event that you have:

  • The sentiment of walking on pebbles: You may have plantar warts on the base of your feet.
  • Patches of thick and tough skin on the heel or chunk of your foot: You may have a callus, corn, blister, or skin development.
  • Red, stripping, splitting, burning, and irritated skin between your toes or on the base of your feet: You may have competitor's foot. Or on the other hand possibly your feet are responding to the shoes you are wearing (shoe dermatitis).
  • Red, swollen, and painful skin around a toenail: You may have an ingrown nail or a disease around your nail (paronychia).
  • Red, swollen soles of your feet that are painful to the touch or when you walk: You may have a bacterial disease. Public showers, hot tubs, or swimming pools are regular areas where bacterial infections, competitor's foot, and warts can be spread to your feet.

Joint Problems

Toe joints are bound to create problems than different joints in your feet.

  • Warmth, pain, redness, swelling, and extraordinary tenderness that comes on quickly in your enormous toe joint might be caused by gout. Similar symptoms can occur with a disease.
  • In the event that you have swelling or a bump at the base of your enormous toe, you may have a bunion.
  • In the event that you have a bump on the outside of your little toe, you may have a bunionette, also called a Tailor's bunion.
  • On the off chance that your toes, other than your huge toes, twist in an odd position, you may have hammer toes, hammer toes, or hook toes.
  • Joint pain, stiffness, and swelling are basic when you have conditions such as bursitis, arthritis, lupus, or gout.


You may create pain in the front (ball) of your foot (metatarsalgia) or in your heel. Heel problems usually occur when you overuse lower leg muscles, wear shoes with high heels, or take an interest in activities, such as running, that cause continued pounding on your heels.

  • Sharp pain on the base of your heel might be caused by plantar fasciitis.
  • Pain in the back of your heel and ankle might be caused by Achilles tendinitis or tendinosis (tendinopathy) or retrocalcaneal bursitis.
  • Pain that is worse previously or after exercise but improves during exercise might be caused by a stress fracture of a bone in your foot (usually a metatarsal bone).
  • Small hard growths under your heel bone might be a heel spur.
  • Pain in your midfoot might be caused by "fallen arches" or by being level footed.
  • Pain or a bump on the back of the heel is a kind of bursitis called Haglund's deformation.

Numbness or Shivering

Numerous conditions may influence the nerves of the foot and cause numbness, shivering, and burning.

  • Pain, burning, shivering, or numbness that occurs between your toes, especially the third and fourth toes, and in the wad of your foot might be caused by a development around the nerves (Morton's neuroma).
  • Pain, numbness, and shivering that begins in your back or buttock, moves down your leg, and into your foot might be sciatica, caused by a squeezed (nerve root compression).
  • Foot and ankle pain that occurs with numbness and weakness in your foot might be caused by a squeezed nerve in your ankle (tarsal tunnel syndrome) or back (sciatica).
  • Burning, numbness, or absence of inclination in your feet might be caused by poor circulation, especially in individuals who have diabetes or fringe blood vessel disease. The circulation issue can prompt nerve harm (fringe neuropathies). Foot problems are bound to create in individuals who have these conditions.
  • Check your symptoms to choose if and when you should see a highly skilled Podiatrist in New York City.