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Five Things To Look For When Seeking A Chiropractor

It is not a good idea to just pick one from the yellow pages when searching for a chiropractor. The modern chiropractor should have the following characteristics to be considered ideal. Patients will be more likely to receive a great outcome if their office has the following characteristics.

1) Multi-discipline – Chiropractic training can be multi-disciplinary. While some chiropractors have been trained in the traditional medical model, others are more holistic. It is unacceptable to receive treatment from a chiropractor who only performs manipulations. We know multi-faceted treatment works well for the majority of patients. This includes physical rehabilitation as well as active and passive modalities like spinal decompression, interferential therapy, heat, and ice.

2) Spinal Decompression Certification- The FDA has cleared Spinal Decompression Treatment since 1996. It is extremely effective for patients suffering from back or neck pain, including degenerative disc disease, disc herniations and whiplash. Intermittent traction creates negative pressure in the disc space, which increases blood flow and oxygen for repair of damage. A series of spinal decompression treatments has been shown to produce excellent results in over 75% of studies.

3) Manipulation Under Anesthesia-This treatment is often overlooked by chiropractors for decades. It has a proven track record of success and can be used to help Services Anesthesia patients with neck stiffness, frozen shoulder, pelvic pain and other conditions.

4) Pain management affiliate - A true multi-disciplinary center that includes traditional and alternative treatments maximizes patient outcomes. This includes physical therapy, chiropractic, massage/acupuncture and medication management. Traditional doctors can also be involved in pain management. Each patient is unique and each treatment will be tailored to suit their needs. All the options available can be very helpful and can be combined if necessary.

5) Advanced and passive spinal manipulations training - Chiropractic can dramatically help patients become more active and reduce pain. A chiropractor will typically perform an active manipulation on a patient. There are many techniques to do them, including the Diversified one. Sometimes, however, patients may not be able to receive active manipulation. This could be due to pregnancy, fibromyalgia, or other conditions such as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. These cases may be helped by passive manipulation techniques such as the Activator, which can be tolerated well