Best Morning Routines For Weight Loss – Top 5 Routines You Do This

Welcome to my Best Morning Routines For Weight Loss blog post. In this post, I’ll share some Honest Opinion to lose weight fast. If you can follow it you must get a better result. Let’s check it.

Best Morning Routines For Weight Loss – Top 5 Routines You Do This

Best Morning Routines For Weight Loss

If you want to lose weight and successfully keep it off. You should know that the way that you start your day is very important. Let’s say, for example, you take some bad advice. And make the mistake of having a tall glass of orange juice. First thing every morning, you’re gonna find it a lot harder to lose any weight at all.


But just like there are mistakes that you can make that’ll slow your weight loss and even make you gain weight. There are also things that you can do every single morning to speed up your fat loss and exponentially increase your chances of actually keeping that weight off.

So today I want to give you guys the five most effective things that you should do every single morning, right after you wake up in order to help you burn fat faster.

Effective Morning Routine “Breakfast”

First, I want to start with breakfast. Without breakfast, it was believed that you would slow down your metabolism, lose muscle mass and make your body more susceptible to gaining and storing fat.

However, since then other diet plans have become more mainstream and some of these plans specifically recommend that you actually consider skipping breakfast entirely.

One of these plans, for example, is known as intermittent fasting. And studies have shown that it’s at least just as effective for fat loss and muscle retention as other continuous energy restriction, type diet plans that don’t make you skip meals.

But at the same time, a number Of other studies have found that people that eat breakfast usually have a lower body mass index. And they’re less likely to be overweight and obese than people that skip breakfast.

Research has also shown that skipping breakfast may be associated with other poor diet choices.

Now the problem with many of these studies that are finding a correlation between not having breakfast. And having a higher BMI is that their observational studies. This means that it’s hard to attribute the weight gain or the weight loss directly to breakfast.

Because somebody that wakes up early in the morning to have breakfast might also be doing a daily run. They might be eating better quality food, they might be lifting weights at the gym more often. And a number of other things that help them maintain a healthy weight.

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We can get much more information from a randomized control trial and there was a recent meta-analysis. That compared 13 randomized control trials on the effects of breakfast in relation to body weight. And researchers concluded that adding breakfast into your diet plan may do nothing in terms of helping you lose weight. And, in fact, adding in breakfast might cause you to gain weight.

In this systematic review, they found that breakfast eaters consumed more daily calories and weighed slightly more than those that skip breakfast.

So does that mean that everybody should start skipping breakfast right away? Definitely not, after looking through all these different studies and working with many different people myself. I think it’s pretty clear that having breakfast might be really beneficial for some people while being detrimental to others.

If you find it easy to skip breakfast without getting ravenously hungry. And binging on everything in sight later on in the day. Then skipping breakfast can help you save some calories and burn fat a little faster.

On the other hand, if you feel that breakfast helps you stay on track, it’s important that you stick to breakfast. That’s high in protein and vegetables, to help fill you up and decrease your appetite.

Effective Morning Routine “Apple Cider Vinegar”

Let’s move on to the next thing you can start using every morning to help you burn fat faster and that’s apple cider vinegar.

Now I want to say right off the bat that I’m not a big fan of detoxes or cleanses. And I’m not for two reasons.

The number one reason is that, between your liver, your kidneys, lungs, and your skin. Your body already has everything it needs to effectively cleanse itself. And it’s very unlikely that you’re gonna make this natural cleansing process better than it already is.

The second reason is that most of the ingredients in cleanses and detoxes are not backed up by any scientific research. And there, not in any way proven to work.

However, apple cider vinegar is different because there’s a growing body of research that shows that it may actually help promote fat loss.

Some studies showed that apple cider, vinegar can increase fullness and curb your appetite. They also show that if you have apple cider vinegar after a high carb meal. You can decrease blood, glucose, and insulin levels which could help promote fat loss.

The effect that vinegar could have on the fat loss was seen more clearly in a study that involved around 150 obese Japanese people in lasted 12 weeks. In that 12 week time period, the placebo group made no changes to their diet or exercise program and they gained about a pound.

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Meanwhile, the group that didn’t change their diet and didn’t change their exercise habits as well. But simply added two tablespoons of apple cider, vinegar per day to that group lost almost 4 pounds and 1 % off their body fat.


Now I don’t recommend that you just sit around drinking apple, cider, vinegar, without changing your diet and without exercising as they did in this study. You’ll see a lot more results when you combine the vinegar with a solid diet and workout plan.

But to help speed up the fat loss, you can start incorporating one tablespoon of apple cider, vinegar every morning, just make sure it’s diluted in 8 ounces of water.

You can also have another tablespoon later on in the day before a meal, but I recommend, starting with just one tablespoon per day and then increasing after you see how your body reacts.

Effective Morning Routine “Weighing Yourself Every Day”

Next, I want to talk about if, following the common advice of weighing yourself every morning, can help speed up fat loss. Many people claim that weighing themselves every morning motivates them and helps them to stay focused on their goals. While others say that it D motivates them and sometimes even leaves them feeling depressed and disgusted in themselves.

Studies who ever seem to side with those that weigh themselves more frequently. One study in which people were tracked for two years showed that people that weighed themselves every single day lost an average of about 10 pounds. Meanwhile, the people that weighed themselves once a month or less gained an average of almost 5 pounds.

The graph that can be drawn from this study shows a clear relationship between weighing yourself. More often losing more weight, and keeping more of that weight off. In the long run, of course, there are some studies that don’t find such strong evidence for what looks like a linear relationship. But one systematic review that looked at twelve studies on this topic found that 11 out of 12 of the studies supported the theory that weighing Yourself, more often is associated with greater weight loss and greater weight gain prevention.

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This evidence makes it clear that the strategy of weighing yourself every morning can help a lot of you burn fat faster, but even though these studies point to most people benefiting from a daily weight in weighing yourself every day, definitely doesn’t work best for everyone.

In fact, these studies themselves say that there are some negative psychological consequences that may come with the daily weigh-in, for example, having more carbs or more salt for just one day can cause large fluctuations in your water weight the next day or even the day after that.

Even though this fluctuation is only temporary. If you get obsessive about what the scale says every day. You could find yourself stressing, more and losing motivation just because of one bad weigh-in.

I’ve seen clients that have become soda motivated by just one bad weigh-in on the scale that they would become convinced that the entire diet and workout plan wasn’t working. Many times when this happens, People start skipping their workouts and start binge eating since they think that the plans not working anyway.

Effective Morning Routine “Exercise”

Let’s move on because I want to talk about exercise for those of you that struggle with getting yourself into the gym or with getting yourself to exercise in general. You should absolutely start every morning with a workout. I can’t stress enough how important this is!

If you’re not consistently exercising every week. Then you’re gonna have trouble losing weight and even more trouble, maintaining any sort of weight loss. Even though you constantly hear that more than 75 % of what you look like is diet. And only 25 % is attributable to exercise. Studies show that they’re both extremely important not only is regular exercise just as important as having a good diet. But your diet and exercise habits both highly influenced each other as well.

For example, if you wake up in the morning and eat a doughnut, you’re, more likely to feel less motivated, hungry, and tired later on in the day. And that could easily cause you to choose to skip your workout.

On the other hand, if you start your morning with a workout as soon as you’re finished. You’ll feel a ton of motivation to continue making other healthy choices and decisions throughout the rest of the day. Including making the right choices with what you choose to eat. Even though some studies show that you can burn more fat just by working out first thing in the morning before breakfast.

The number one reason why I recommend it for most people is that it’ll guarantee that you’re actually gonna get your workout done. Most people will find a hundred excuses at the end of a long day of work to not get the workout in.

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But when you plan and set aside time first thing in the morning most of these excuses disappear. You want to make exercise into a habit, and, according to studies. It takes about two months of repetition to create a habit by associating waking up and working out together. It’ll be a lot easier to solidify this behavior into a habit.

Even if you don’t have access to a gym. There are some really simple things that you can do to make exercise a part of your morning, routine.

You can go out for a run or a brisk walk or you can just do bodyweight exercises without even leaving your house a quick example. The workout would be ten dive-bombers or push-ups if the dive-bombers are too difficult. Ten prisoner squats, ten skydivers. And ten lunges with each leg, you would do all the exercises back-to-back, take a break and repeat that for three to four sets.

Believe it or not. Starting off with some simple bodyweight exercises like these every morning can provide a ton of forwarding momentum. That’ll help you actually start completing your workouts and that’ll motivate you to stick to a healthier diet plan in the long run.

Effective Morning Routine “Meal Prep For Work”

The last thing you should do every morning unless you’re on. Like let’s say one Meal a day, diet is pack food to bring with you. You should bring enough homemade food to last you, for whatever amount of meals you plan to eat outside the house.

One study showed that eating meals that are prepared outside your home is associated with taking in more calories. And it’s associated with a higher fat intake. Another study showed that the more home-cooked meals you eat, the less likely you are to be overweight.

I agree with the findings from both of these studies because out of all the clients that I’ve worked with the ones that would take the time to prep, their meals would usually do much better than the clients that would just wing it.

You see when you get hungry, you start looking for easy ways to satisfy that hunger. If you don’t have a healthy pre-portion meal with you, then you’re very likely to grab something unhealthy.

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Even if you order some chicken, breast, and rice from a local restaurant, you have no idea what else is being added to that meal. You can easily wind up with a couple of hundred extra calories just from added sugar. And fat by having someone else, prep it for you, on top of all that. There’s a high chance that you just buy a snack instead of a meal. And most of the time That snack will have a lot of empty calories that just don’t fill you up.

If you either prep yourself a portioned meal to take with you every morning or prep it the night before and pack it with you every morning, you’ll find yourself burning fat much faster than relying on other people to prep it for you, that’s it, guys.

My Final Opinion:

Finally, I want to say If you really want to use weight then you have obeyed the scientific rules. You can’t get overnight results but you must get results. Weight loss is a SLOW race. If you want to with this race, then you have to be determined. So, guys thanks for reading this article. Stay tuned with this blog for getting more and more health tips.



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