Funeral program templates are files that make it easy to produce a funeral program or printed memorial.  Funeral program templates are pre-designed files that provide a framework for creating a funeral program or printed memorial. These templates are typically available in various formats, such as Microsoft Word, Publisher, or Adobe InDesign, and can be easily customized to include specific details about the deceased individual and their funeral service.

Funeral program templates are pre-formatted documents that help you create a funeral program or memorial service bulletin. These templates come in a variety of computer software formats, including Microsoft Word or Publisher, Apple Pages and OpenOffice. The Funeral Program Site sells a variety of funeral program templates that work with Word, Publisher or Mac Software and have a variety of layouts and paper sizes.

Select a Funeral Program Template Design and Layout

The first step in choosing a funeral program template is to pick a design. There are a wide range of designs and styles to choose from. Designs include traditional funeral themes such as religious, floral, and landscape as well contemporary styles like occupational, and hobby themes. When choosing a design, consider your loved one's taste. You may choose a theme based on a favorite color or flower or a favorite place (such as a favorite getaway). See our article on selecting a template design for more information.  You can also look at examples of funeral program templates and sample funeral programs.

DIY Funeral Program Templates Design

funeral program templates

Springs Garden Funeral Program Templates

funeral program templates

Prosper Funeral Program Templates

funeral program templates

Silver Gold Funeral Program Templates

funeral program templates

Splash Funeral Program Templates

funeral program templates

Greenery Funeral Program Templates

funeral program templates

Planting Funeral Program Templates

Willie J. Howard, Jr.
Jim M. Booth
Emanuel Cole
Delores Wright