Drop-In Cafe - Peer Support

Drop-In Cafe Location, Hours, and Information


Dayton Doggie Rescue Ranch

24 E Skillet Ave

Dayton, IA 50530



Mornings: 9am-11:30am

Afternoons: 1pm-4:30pm

Drop by our cafe-style drop-in center, located at the Dayton Doggie Rescue Ranch, for conversation, coffee, tea, snacks, coloring, books, and more!

Whether you are wanting a cup of coffee and good conversation or just wanting to pet a dog while you enjoy a cup of tea and a good book - whatever your mood - you are not alone here!

What we offer:

Peer Support Services


Coffee, coffee drinks, tea, granola or breakfast bars

Relaxing activities like coloring

Books to read

Dogs to pet or play with

Group learning

Educational materials


Virtual and phone Peer Support Services Available:

Contact us for virtual or phone Peer Support services.

Virtual Peer Support services are available through Google Meets or FaceTime

Call or text to set up virtual appointments!

(515) 715-7266