Shelton WA Florist

(360) 426-8615

Williams Flower & Gift - Shelton Florist

331 West Railroad Avenue Shelton, WA 98584

(360) 426-8615

Best Florist in Shelton WA

Best Florist in Shelton WA

Foundations of Outdoor Living

Transforming Your Backyard to a Relaxation Hub

Just done constructing your lawn and lawn? Reinvented your yard for the nth time this year? Running out of ideas on how to take advantage of the space in your yard?

Whatever it is, don't worry. We get it!

Your garden doesn't need to be only an area loaded with backyard beds and plots. It doesn't even need to be assortments of potted plants and flowers. Yes, you read that right.

In fact, you can remodel your garden into anything you want it to be! 

First, we help you through choosing what type of space you want your yard to be. Then, we help you out on specific equipment and materials you need to get for your outdoor living space. 

Whatever you want your garden to look like, we got your back. We will give you everything you need to renovate your lawn!

You'll get a rundown of the basics of outdoor living, straight from Shelton's best florist and gardeners. Turn your lawn and area into your very own relaxation hub!

Interested in taking a formal course on gardening? Want to get certified as an expert on everything in the industry? Check these professional bodies and schools in gardening and floristry:

You can also check out other schools offering classes on floristry and horticulture.

Deciding on the Backyard's Function

Your backyard is a great place for you and your family to rest and unwind in.

You can organize barbeque cookouts in the summer. You could put up playpens or playgrounds for your kids and pets to run around in. You can have stress-free lounges and chairs by a warm fire in the winter. We mean it - whatever you want!

Have a small yard? No problem!

No matter how large or cramped your lawn may be, there are lots of ways you can renovate your lawn. Remodel your garden into the perfect area for some R&R, gatherings, and playtime.

Summer BBQ Parties.

Are you fond of hosting cookouts for reunions with friends and distant relatives? Is grilling meat and barbeques a pastime for you and your household? Whatever the case, you can certainly revamp your backyard for that!

Transform your yard into the best place to host summer BBQ parties!

Intimate Candlelit Dinners.

Are you a hopeless romantic at heart? Do you like having intimate dinners under the starlit sky with a home cooked meal and soft, cozy lighting?

Your yard is the perfect place for it!

Whether it's for you and your spouse's wedding anniversary, or a day to get some relaxation together, we got you.

With the perfect set of tables and chairs, you'll have the best dinner setting for a romantic date - all without needing to go out!

Warm Fires in the Cold Winter.

Enjoy taking in the outdoor breeze at any chance you get? Invest in a fireplace!

Set a dedicated area to light up a flame to keep you from freezing over if you don't have the budget for it. You could even put up logs to work as seats around the fire.

Want to have family movie nights? Put together a secured area with cushions, blankets and pillows and a screen. Enjoy chill movie nights in the icy winter breeze!

Rest and Leisure.

Do you enjoy relaxing with the cool wind in your lawn? Do you like soaking in the warm rays of the sun? You got it!

Remodel your garden to be the perfect spot for rest and relaxation after a long, draining week. All you need is a soft chair, some great covering for sunny days, and small tables for your book or steaming mug of coffee.

Build the perfect space to ease away your troubles and stress - right in your own backyard!

Playgrounds and Play Pens.

Do you have kids crawling and walking all around the house? Do you have household pets running circles in your lawn?

Or worse - both? Don't stress, we're here to help!

Remodel your yard into a personalized playpen. Install a swing set, a slide or a sandbox with toys - or all of it, whatever floats your boat. You could even get your kids to help you set up a tree house with you for more fun!

Whatever you decide to include, it will be great for your children and pets to play in. They'll even get to enjoy the warm afternoon sun.

You'll get to create an amazing dream playground right in your yard!

Picking Out Your Yard Furniture.

No matter what you want your backyard to be, there are a few things you should get to start off the process.

Here is a checklist of things you can buy to make your yard cozier, comfortable. With these basics, your home will be a lot more like your own hub out of the busy roads and noise of the city.


Grills (Gas & Charcoal).

Benches, Chairs and Seating.

Fencing & Hedges.




Basic Ways You Can Transform Your Yard.

So you've figured out what you would like to see when you step out into your lawn. You've also chosen what things you would like to place and install in your lawn and patio.

What's next?

We've found that a lot of people usually find it useful to have a reference to make their layout and designs from. Now we'll start you off with a several basic designs for your backyard.

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