Tips to design a meeting room which will astonish clients

Often when you have a client who just reached your office then what the first thing people usually say is?

Please have a seat in the meeting room, and the boss will be there shortly!

The description or the content of this phrase might vary, but the meaning stays the same. Your client is going to have a good 5 minutes before the actual meeting start.

Believe you me they are going to judge the whole company in those five minutes from the interior of that room. Your meeting room interior is going to do one of the two things which impress them for all the right reasons or make them feel less motivated to work with you. I am sure you are looking for the first option.

You want to give the impression to your client that you care about things which are under your responsibility.

commercial interior design Dubai

Thus if you want to WOW your clients with the first look of the meeting room, you have to consider the interior which reflects the personality and professionalism of your business. If you are in Dubai, then no one can do it better than commercial interior design Dubai.

There are a number of things that will be considered while designing the interior of a meeting room:

Table Configuration:

The center element of any meeting room is the table, and there are a range of different options available to choose from. For example, you can have an oval shape table which will make it more engaging.

At the end of the day it depends on the size of the room and the way you planned out the whole layout.

Lightening of the room:

Another element which will enhance the overall room interior is the lightning of the room. The light color and the design should add to space instead of making the area distraction filled.

There is a trend of ceiling lights, but some people need to have brighter light as a lot is happening in presentation aspects. Overhead lights are not suitable for meeting rooms.

Right screen:

Often meeting rooms have a whiteboard which is also adjusted for projector light. The screen should be set in a way that it is visible for people sitting in different settings and rows. The right size of the screen matters a lot in this matter as well the way projector light is presented on the screen.

Color and personality elements:

The next thing you must be considering while designing a meeting room is selecting the right colors. The meeting room has to look elegant and sophisticated space. If the colors selection is too bright, then it will result in distraction and give the trashy feelings.

You have to complement the design and color with the personality of your company like add a few colors from your logos or even more. Add a dash of your business elements, and it will make the right impression.

Wrapping up!

When you are designing a meeting room in Dubai, then you have to focus on functionality and comfort first.

If you are stuck at any point while designing then take the professional help from commercial interior design Dubai so that you can brainstorm some of the winning designs to astonish your clients.