Student Services

Bloomer Elementary School

The purpose of the Student Services Department is to improve outcomes for all students by providing needed supports and reducing barriers to learning.

Jenny Tarnowski

School Counselor


Phone: 715-568-2800 ext. 1005

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless."

~Mother Teresa

Check Out Ms. T.'s Virtual Counseling Classroom & Virtual Calming Room HERE!

Why Elementary School Student Services?

Elementary school students undergo significant developmental changes physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally throughout the ages of 4 to 10 years-old. To help support and guide students through this transition, the elementary school counselor provides a multitude of services through a comprehensive counseling program, focusing on three areas of development- academic, career, and social/emotional.

Why connect with student services?

Here are some reasons students might want to utilize student services:

  • "My friend and I got into an argument and I'm feeling sad."

  • "I'm new to the school and I'm having trouble making friends."

  • "My parents are getting divorced and I don't know how to deal with the feelings I'm having."

  • "My dog just passed away and it's been difficult for me to deal with it."

  • "I feel really anxious every time I have to take a test."

  • "I don't feel safe at home and I don't know what to do about it."

  • "I've seen kids bullying other kids in the school and I don't know what to do."

  • "I'm scared of getting COVID-19."

  • "I'm feeling alone and don't know who to talk to about it."

  • "I'm going to middle school next year but it's scary to think about."

Here are some reasons parents/guardians might want to utilize student services:

  • "My child is having a hard time adjusting to their school schedule."

  • "I've noticed some changes in my child's mood/behavior and I think they need extra support in school."

  • "My partner and I have decided to separate and my child might need some help understanding this."

  • "We are having some financial difficulties and are struggling to provide for our child."

  • "My child has been a victim of bullying at school. Can you help?"

  • "I need some help finding mental health resources for my child."