

Lausanne can be reached by plane (the closest airport is Geneve, just a 1hr/1hr 15 min train ride) or train.

Train tickets in Switzerland can be bought through SBB.

Lausanne is a small town, quite easy to walk around. To get to the Bernoulli Center and EPFL, there is a metro leaving from the city center (around 15 minutes commute). The campus is very close to the lake and people often like to go there for a swim after work.

If you are staying in a hotel, ask for the Lausanne Transport Card, which entitles you to use public transportation (bus and metro) during your stay (valid in zones 11 and 12, including city center and EPFL).

How to get to the Bernoulli Center:

The most convenient way to get to the Bernoulli Center is to take the metro line M1 from Lausanne-Flon (metro stop downtown) until the stop UNIL-Sorge. There, follow briefly (ca. 100 meters) Route de la Sorge towards west, and turn left into Avenue François-Alphonse Forel. The Bernoulli Center will be to your right at the intersection with Chemin des Alambics.

Your way around EPFL campus:

Here is a map of EPFL campus, which is conveniently included in EPFL Campus App.
There you will find the EPFL cafeterias which you can use at lunchtime. Feel free to ask the organizers and the local participants for more info.

SocialSocialSociaSoSocialinterestedSocialSocialSociaSoSocialinterested Activities:

On the free afternoon, we will organise a hike on the nearby mountains for those who are interested.
On Thursday evening, there will be the social dinner
at 7pm at L'abordage