Bharti Axa Life Secure Income Plan Pdf Download

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Bharti AXA Life Saral Jeevan Bima is a non-linked, non-participating premium life insurance plan that allows you to protect your loved ones by providing maximum coverage at a moderate cost. The insurance is a perfect pure protection plan for both you and your family, with basic and easy-to-understand features and standardised alternatives. To meet your needs, the plan offers a variety of policy terms and premium payment arrangements.

If something bad happens to you, the Bharti AXA Life Income Protection plan ensures that your family continues to receive an income in the form of annual instalments for a period of 15 or 20 years, allowing them to live life to the fullest even while you are gone. The plan also includes a survival benefit, which returns 100-120 percent of premiums paid as a lump sum survival payment at the end of the policy term.

Bharti AXA Life Monthly Income Plan+ is a savings plan that provides you with a guaranteed monthly income as well as non-guaranteed bonuses and family safety in the event of a disaster. The strategy may allow you to live well in your golden years, as it is ideal for both tax benefits and retirement planning.

This plan allows you to choose from three different policy terms and premium payment terms. It ensures that you obtain a consistent monthly income without having to commit to the plan for an extended time. In the event of your death or total disability, your family will receive a monthly income for the period you specify.

It is a savings plan that generates increasing income each year, guaranteeing that rising expenses are met, as well as Life Insurance coverage in the event of a tragic occurrence, ensuring that your family is protected even in the worst-case scenario. There are four premium payment terms available with the plan. You will begin receiving pay-outs in the form of yearly instalments at the end of your chosen premium payment period, which will grow every year by 10% of Annual Premium, depending on your policy term, until the end of maturity.

ServSuraksha is a hassle-free life insurance policy from Bharti AXA Life that provides financial security and a secure future for your family with just one premium payment. It is a non-participating policy that provides life insurance coverage to protect your family, with the sum assured payable in the event of death and the Maturity Benefit returned in the event of survival.

With a life insurance plan that combines wealth creation and life insurance, you may achieve your aim of life insurance and wealth creation. A ULIP plan combines insurance and investment benefits into a single policy. Savings can help you raise your life insurance coverage while also protecting the future of your loved ones.

A savings-oriented unit-linked insurance plan with a life insurance cover and high-interest investments to protect your family in the event of an unexpected incident. It also offers extra perks in the form of loyalty bonuses to guarantee that your money works as hard as you do.

A health insurance plan provides financial stability in the event of a medical emergency. Health problems have not only increased in number but have also become more complex as a result of changing lifestyles. As a result, having a health insurance plan in place becomes critical.

In this plan, premium needs to be paid for a specific period and then the Guaranteed Income is paid every year for a period of 10 years. This income is tax free if all requirements of Section 10(10)D is fulfilled.

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