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I am an expert in the prediction of the outcome of scattering experiments of highly energetic fundamental particles. Such collisions are observed for example at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN where protons collide at flabbergasting energies of 13 TeV corresponding to a velocity of 0.99999999 times the speed of light.

Observing the debris of these collisions gives us the unique opportunity to study the behavior of fundamental particles like the Higgs boson or the carriers of the strong and weak force. To test if we truly understand how these forces work, we compare measurements to theoretical predictions for the outcome of these collisions. We are all too aware that our current paradigm of fundamental interactions falls short of being a complete theory of nature. In light of this, we strive to test our current understanding in great detail and with many different observables.

The LHC experiments deliver high precision measurements of a large range of observables. With the theoretical counterpart - this is where my research comes in - we strive to meet or surpass the experimental precision to uncover the mysteries of fundamental interactions. To this end, we use the mathematical framework of Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model of Particle Physics to derive ab initio predictions for scattering observables.

How many Higgs bosons are produced in collisions at the LHC? How are they distributed spatially in the detector? What is the probability to find a pair of muons as a product of the decay of a Z boson? I answer these questions using the most modern understanding and techniques of perturbative quantum field theory. The comparison of the theoretical and experimental answers to such questions allows us to extract the masses and coupling strengths of particles, to probe their quantum nature, and to show us where ultimately the Standard Model will fail and what lies beyond.

The precise computation of scattering processes is a formidable challenge. To accomplish ever higher precision I develop analytic and numeric methods for the efficient computation of multi-loop scattering amplitudes and cross sections. This line of research allows me to explore new and more efficient techniques and to explore the mathematical structures of scattering theory. With this line of research, I am able to improve our understanding of Quantum Field Theory combined with following my primary goal of exploring the nature of fundamental interactions.