Hi Forum,

Some guy ask me for an plugin develop by me some time ago, about how to access the android camera and display as an texture, now with the new APL system we can develop our own plugins for android without modify the engine source, take it as a little tutorial instead as a plugin, because AFAIK that functionality comes with the new 4.13 or 4.14 (not sure, MR Chris Babcock told me), meanwhile you can use mine.

I split the core functionality inside an UActorComponent with only 3 methods, one to call and open the camera, other for update, and finally one for shutdown. the code itself its easy, however if you have some question please post the thread

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MMM perhaps is my fault, I forget to mention something important, go ahead and open your project settings -> Android ->APK packaging->Target SDK version (9=Gingerbrid, 14 ice cream, 21= Lolipop) set to 14 or higher, the java camera code need it.

I think is all, must be work

I have some questions about the plugin:

1- My material render is getting poor resolution (13mp camera), is there any way of setting the resolution we want to use?

2- I want to render this material fixed to the camera, but always at the bottom of every actor (in other words, I want to use it at background while rotating the camera, so I attached the plane to the camera component, and I want this plane to be at the bottom of the rendering pill)

Hi Nesjett,

Yes, open the AndroidCamera.h and change the resolution by change the value on width and height, but remember higher values eat performance.

if you want set your camera texture as background you need calculate the distance of the plane based on FOV, of course the plane size must match with the texture resolution, quick formula: float distanceToCamera = (texture->GetSizeX() / 2.f) / FMath::Tan(PI / 180.f * (horizontalFOV / 2.f));

as far as I know you can access everything in blueprint if you want, even your FOV.

I have an application which is based on image analysis and I would like when I click a button for camera that camera opens not that default Android emulator moving image. I want it to open some image which I set as a default image. So when I choose to take a picture it will show only that image and when I take a take a picture, that image will be saved to gallery, not Android default image.

as discussed in this entry from Android developers blog. Note that you'll need to move the camera position into the dining room to see your images (turn around and use Alt-w to move forward).

Problem: When trying to use OBS Studio as a virtual camera for the emulator, the emulator does not recognize the OBS Virtual Camera and the only option in the device manager camera settings is webcam0 which is the built in webcam. AND the camera app on the android emulator does not recognize the virtual camera device.

install OBS Studio and run it, start the virtual camera for the first time, this will automatically install a CoreMediaIO DAL plug-in at /Library/CoreMediaIO/Plug-Ins/DAL and create the virtual webcam device.

go to the emulator folder of your Android Studio installation cd ~/Library/Android/sdk/emulator and check the available web cam list with the command ./emulator -webcam-list, you should see two webcams available; the built in camera webcam0 and the obs virtual device webcam1.

edit the config file for your avd to use webcam1 by opening terminal and running nano ~/.android/avd/{AVD NAME}/config.ini scroll down and amend the line hw.camera.back = webcam1 Ctrl+O to write out and Ctrl+X to exit nano.

If the camera app shows an error and you cannot see the OBS virtual device even after following the above steps, the solution that worked for me is to reset camera access permissions. It turned out for me that the emulator had previously requested access to the camera from the system whilst the built in webcam0 was the camera source for the avd. The emulator needed permission to use the virtual device webcam1 from the system, but would not request it again as it already had permission for the built in camera webcam0. This caused an error when opening the camera app in the emulator as it could not access the source.

To solve this you must close the emulator and android studio, and run tccutil reset Camera (note this will reset camera permissions for all applications, you can reset the permissions for only Android Studio/specific applications by running tccutil reset Camera com.WHATEVERBUNDLE.YOURAPPID.

After resetting the camera permissions, start the emulator again using step 4 above, and when opening the camera app, you should be prompted by the mac system to allow camera access to Android Studio, give it access and then you should see the OBS virtual camera input as expected.

Download the source from following url . This is work as the another Gallery in the emulator. While passing intent to capture image from camera choose this gallery. this is looks like samsung mobile 3d gallery.. this will return the default images.. in emulators . one more thing it will work fine after 3.0 versions only.

I have an issue that my app is not reporting any motion with my floodlight cameras. When I check the app, there is nothing in the history for the cameras but I can see the history of motion for the doorbell, this is really frustrating. I have removed and reinstalled the app but no help. I am running on Android 9 and have he latest version of ring app which came over the weekend.

The work around is to go to the individual cameras and toggle notifications off then back to on and it works for a day and then goes back to its old ways

If your Zoom meeting has begun, you can turn your camera on or off by clicking the video icon in the bottom-left corner of your meeting window. You can expand the video menu to select your video device.

I'm looking for a camera app that will give me the equivalent of auto-iso min shutter speed on an android camera. That is, I want to be able to set the minimum shutter speed, and then have the app select the best ISO given the chosen shutter speed.

The LowePro PhotoSport Outdoor is a camera pack for photographers who also need a well-designed daypack for hiking and other outdoor use. If that sounds like you, the PhotoSport Outdoor may be a great choice, but as with any hybrid product, there are a few tradeoffs.

If you want a compact camera that produces great quality photos without the hassle of changing lenses, there are plenty of choices available for every budget. Read on to find out which portable enthusiast compacts are our favorites.

What's the best camera for travel? Good travel cameras should be small, versatile, and offer good image quality. In this buying guide we've rounded-up several great cameras for travel and recommended the best.

Above $2500 cameras tend to become increasingly specialized, making it difficult to select a 'best' option. We case our eye over the options costing more than $2500 but less than $4000, to find the best all-rounder.

Hello...I'm experiencing some issues keeping my camera connected when using the Reolink app for android phone.

Here's what's occurring...recently, I switched to cable modem / router and noticed that when I am using the Reolink client on my desktop ( internet connected to desktop computer ) that viewing the Argus 2E is effortless, no connection drop outs. Now, if the Reolink client remains open on the desktop and I also open the app on my android phone...everything still functions perfectly...again, no loss of signal.

However, if the desktop Reolink client is closed and I open the Reolink APP on my android phone...the camera stays connected for a very short period of time ( perhaps, ten seconds ) then closes. The kbps will climb to about 1400, then immediately crash to ZERO and the camera signal is lost. Is the Reolink APP on the android phone dependent on the camera showing being CONNECTED on the desktop Reolink client in order to function? 

Any help is greatly appreciated! 


Thanks for your reply...it's greatly appreciated. The Reolink Argus 2E connects and remains connected when connecting via cellular data...no issues. However, when attempting to view the camera on my wireless laptop using a Reolink client, or trying to view the Reolink camera using the Reolink APP on my android phone...the camera will only remain connected for a short period of time ( 10 seconds ).

The modem / router that is ethernet connected to my desktop will permit me to view the camera continually via the Reolink client...it is when the client is CLOSED on my desktop, then trying to view the camera with either the wireless laptop client OPEN or the android APP open that causes the camera to drop out after approximately 10 seconds or less. 

Is there a solution to this issue? I certainly appreciate the a*sistance. Thank you!

You can also listen for camera movements, so that your app receives anotification when the camera starts moving, is currently moving, or stopsmoving. For details, see the guide to camera change events.

The map view is modeled as a camera looking down on a flat plane. The positionof the camera (and hence the rendering of the map) is specified by thefollowing properties: target (latitude/longitude location),bearing, tilt,and zoom.

The camera bearing specifies the compass direction, measured in degrees from true north, correspondingto the top edge of the map. If you draw a vertical line from the center of the map to the top edgeof the map, the bearing corresponds to the heading of the camera (measured in degrees) relativeto true north.

The tilt defines the camera's position on an arc directly over the map'scenter position, measured in degrees from thenadir(the direction pointing directly below the camera). A value of 0 corresponds to a camera pointedstraight down. Values greater than 0 correspond to a camera that is pitched toward the horizon bythe specified number of degrees.When you change the viewing angle, the map appears in perspective, with far-away featuresappearing smaller, and nearby features appearing larger. The followingillustrations demonstrate this. ff782bc1db

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