Each year our church sponsors a backpack giveaway, where students

in the Berlin School District can

pick-up a backpack and school

supplies for the coming year.

We generally serve between

50 and 75 students each year.

Our program is unique in that

students personally pick items

based on their School Supplies List,

as opposed to receiving a backpack

of general supplies.


Using an online platform called CarePortal, the Berlin Seventh Day Baptist Church works with state and county agencies to serve at-risk and underserved children in
Rensselaer County, providing them
with necessities such as bed frames,
car seats, hygiene products,
mattresses, and more.

The success of this ministry hinges
on the team work of church
members committed to serving God

by taking on responsibilities in one
or more of the following areas:





To learn more about this ministry contact Trish Gerstel.


Daily Prayer @ 7:00 a.m.

Check-in with Pastor Matt and pray where you are, or come to the church sanctuary for 1/2-hour of prayer with Pastor Matt as well as any other
Prayer Partner(s) in attendance.

Prayer Post

Every person in attendance at the
church is encouraged to write a
prayer request on the provided
bulletin insert, and to place that
insert in the offering plate; these are collected at the end of the service
and distributed to our
Prayer Partners.

Praying for Our People

Prayer Partners are assigned one or
more pages from our church
directory as well as a church board
or committee, and are asked to pray
for the people listed on those pages
each day for an entire quarter. They
also are invited to walk through the church once a week while praying
for our ministries and the people
who meet there.


Winter 2025 Session

Fridays 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

February, 2025

Bible * Cooking * Nutrition * P. E. * Reptiles

(Not Every Class Provided for Each Grade)

$60 Per Family Material Fee


PreK thru 12


60 Students Total


First Come First Served