
Algorithms Office Hours

We are a group of PhD students and postdocs in the theory group at Berkeley working on algorithms. The goal of our Berkeley Algorithms Office Hours (BAOH) is to improve communication between theory and applications of algorithms. We aim to give helpful advice for solving algorithmic problems that come up in applied research.

Anyone affiliated with Berkeley can meet with us to discuss research questions involving algorithms. If you are interested, please fill out this Google Form. We will then contact you to schedule a one hour appointment. During the COVID-19 pandemic all appointments will be virtual (including Spring and Summer 2021).

Our research interests cover a wide range of topics. We would be happy to talk about algorithmic problems in any of the following areas (and more):

Combinatorial algorithms

Graph Algorithms

Learning Algorithms

Algorithms for Sketching


Differential Privacy



How can I request an appointment?

Fill out this Google Form.

What happens when I request an appointment?

Based on your problem description, we decide on two or three members of the theory group with relevant research background. We then schedule a one hour meeting with you so we can learn more about the problem and talk about potential solutions etc.

My problem doesn't really fit your list of areas above. Should I still contact you?

We would still be happy to hear about the algorithmic problem from your research. If we can't help ourselves, we might be able to get you in touch with someone who has the right expertise.

I am not affiliated with Berkeley. Can I still contact you?

Unfortunately we are focusing on Berkeley at this point.

What do I owe you for an appointment?

Nothing! The Algorithms Office Hours are entirely free - hopefully we can give you helpful advice. If meeting with us indeed helps your research, you are welcome to acknowledge us, but it is up to you to decide. We don't expect to be co-authors on any papers (unless the discussion explicitly develops into a research collaboration).

Can I come to your office hours to ask questions about my homework?

Unfortunately, no.

I am a Berkeley Theory Group student who wants to join the mailing list, how can I do that?

If you are interested in joining Berkeley Algorithms Office Hours (BAOH) please email or slack Andrea Lincoln to add you.

Organizers: BAOH is organized by Andrea Lincoln and coordinated by Arun Ganesh and Fred Zhang.

BAOH contributors: Grace Dinh, Arun Ganesh, Rachel Lawrence, Andrea Lincoln, Sidhanth Mohanty, Alex Wei, Elizabeth Yang, and Fred Zhang.

Faculty Advisors: Our faculty co-advisors are Barna Saha and Jelani Nelson.