Hitachi MCU
ROM dumper

Extracting (dumping) the ROM from a Hitachi Microcontroller from the 90's is not easy. Sean Riddle has been researching, experimenting and testing different methods over the years, and is still developing his dumper project for the HD6301Y0, HD6301X0 and the whole H8/300 family.

My project is focused on providing an easy-to-assemble circuit, with various adapters (hats) for the different packaging of the MCUs in consideration.

Full details of Sean Riddle's project, as well as the firmware, can be found here:

PCBs designed by me so far:

The Gerber files for the fabrication of the PCBs, as well as the list of components, are available here:

If you need a different HAT, do not hesitate to contact me.

Note: I have been asked how to use a 27C512. It is very simple. As pin 1 of the EPROM socket is tied HIGH, just program the binary code starting at 0x8000 instead of the default 0x0000.  There is no need to make any modifications to the main PCB.