Teensy USB development board

With SolusChess you can use both Teensy 2.0 (ATMEGA32U4 microcontroller) and Teensy++ 2.0 (AT90USB1286 microcontroller).

If you intend to add (either now or later) Bluetooth support, you will need Teensy++ 2.0

The advantage of using Teensy, instead of other similar boards with Atmel microcontrollers, is because Teensy 2.0 have two full ports available (8+8 pins, necessary for reading the sensor matrix), which facilitates their implementation without the use of demultiplexers. In addition it's very small (only 30 x 18 mm), so it can be inserted very easily on a chessboard, unlike other equivalent boards.

In the initial project I included, beyond the essential (connection to the sensor matrix), a pushbutton and a LED. Since then I have made ​​many changes both in the original chessboard and in the control program. In any case, SolusChess 1.0 and later versions are compatible with all wirings shown below:


Minimum required to operate: rows and columns.


It includes a few controls that will help with handling. It's the one that I've implemented on my chessboard.


These controls added to the "Recommended Version" are not essential, as they affect settings that can also be changed by the action of "lift and replace" certain pieces at the start of a new game: see section Firmware for more information.


In the section Firmware is explained in detail the role of each of the controls. I suggest the installation, at least, of the pushbuttons NEW GAME and RE-INSTATE, and the two LEDs.


As you can see all the pushbuttons are NO (normally open) type. The resistors for the LEDs will be 220 ohm 1/4W, which will provide approximately 14mA of current to each LED. Attention to the orientation of the LEDs: the long leg is the anode (to the resistor, according to the scheme) and the short leg is the cathode (to ground).