SolusChess Firmware
Customized versions

Version "Player vs Human" and "Player vs GAVON": In this modified version, the chessboard will send (by default) all moves to the host computer, both white and black. It can be useful when playing against another person in order to record a PGN file, or when playing against Gavon but with the option "check Gavon move" activated (the clock will remain paused until you perform Gavon move correctly on SolusChess board).

Anyway, you should know that you can change from "Player vs Computer" to "Player vs Human" with any of the installed programs: see operating manual.

Teensy 2.0
v2.1 (2014-06-04): soluschess_T2.0_PvP.hex

Teensy++ 2.0
(2014-06-04): soluschess_T2.0pp_PvP.hex