
This program written in C is a variation of SolusChess USB firmware for Teensy++ 2.0, and its user-level operation is exactly the same.

Whether you use USB connection or Bluetooth, the operation is the same: a computer keyboard is emulated.

Changes made in this version, internally, are:

  • The clock speed is decreased from 16 to 8 MHz, with two objectives: first to reduce power consumption, and second and more important in order the microcontroller can operate stably with a voltage lower than 5V, reaching 3.3V (although it will normally be 3.7 to 4.2 V)

This decrease in clock frequency has no effect on the performance of the chessboard, because it's compensated in the program by decreasing, in the same proportion, the wait states (necessary for a correct reading of the sensor matrix).

  • Pin-3 on Port-D is enabled to send data to the Bluetooth module.


SolusChess BT ver2.1 for Teensy++ 2.0: soluschess_2.1_pp_BT_8MHz.hex