
Scientific responsability of the project "Fuel Poverty, pollution and health of individuals" (PEPSI) 2019-2023 

Scientific responsability of the research axis "energy transition" in the CLEE research chair

Scientific responsability of the research axis "population" in the BEST research chair

Refereed Articles

Charlier D., Legendre B., 2024, Fuel Poverty and Mental Health in a COVID-19 Context, Economics & Human Biology, Volume 54, 101404, ISSN 1570-677X 

D’Albis H., El Mekkaoui N., Legendre B., 2023, Health accidents and wealth decline in old age, Social Science & Medicine, Volume 332, 116117, ISSN 0277-9536,

Bardazzi R., Charlier D., Legendre B., Pazienza MG, 2023, Energy vulnerability in Mediterranean countries: A latent class analysis approach, Energy Economics, 2023, 106883, ISSN 0140-9883,

Legendre B., Le Duigou S., 2022, The Financial Burden of Health Expenses in Retirement, Revue d'économie politique, vol. 132, no. 4, pp. 615-648

El Mekkaoui N., & Legendre B., 2022, Does pension information impact savings? Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 1-19

Charlier D., Legendre B., 2022, « Fuel Poverty and Health: A Shared Agenda for Policy », Revue d'économie politique, vol. 132, no. 2, pp. 245-272

Charlier D., Legendre B., 2021, Fuel Poverty in industrialized countries: Definition, Measures and Policy implications, Energy 121557

Charlier D., Legendre B., 2021, Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Aging: Disentangling Behavior from Energy Efficiency. Annals of Economics and Statistics, no. 143, 2021, pp. 71–103.  

Le Duigou S., Legendre B., Sabatier M., 2020, The effectiveness of financial incentives to postpone retirement with heteregenous agents,  Revue de l'OFCE, 2020/6 (170), 321-344

Charlier D., Legendre B., Ricci O., 2020, Energy poverty in tropical island economy: a class latent model, World Development, Vol. 140, 105278.

Charlier D., Legendre B., Risch A., 2019, Fuel poverty in residential housing: Providing financial support vs. combatting substandard housing. Applied Economics , Vol. 51 Issue 59, 5369-5387 - WP

Charlier D., Legendre B., 2018, A Multidimensional Approach to Measuring Fuel Poverty, Energy Journal, vol. 40, 2., WP

Legendre B., Pedrant A-C, Sabatier M., 2018, Should I stay or should I go? An econometric analysis of retirement decisions by couples,  Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 50(53), pages 5814-5829, November.

Legendre B., Sabatier M., 2016, The Puzzle of Older Workers' Employment: Distance to Retirement and Health Effects, International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 38 Issue: 1, pp.45-61, 

Legendre B., Ricci O., 2015, Measuring fuel poverty in France: Who are the most vulnerable households?, Energy Economics, 

El Mekkaoui De Freitas N., Legendre B., 2014, Constitution d'un revenu complémentaire de retraite : quels sont les facteurs déterminants?, Économie et Statistiques, 472-473, pp 153-167,

Legendre B., 2014, Fiscalité des retraités, redistribution et équité, Revue Économique, Vol. 65, 6/2014 pp. 907-930, 

El Mekkaoui de Freitas N., Legendre Lunven B. et Clark G., 2013, Individual Private Retirement Insurances: holding behaviours among pensioners, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 33 No. 1 pp. 812-827, 

Legendre B., 2012, Inégalités de niveaux de vie des actifs et des retraités français: ce que nous apprend la multi-décomposition de l’indice de Gini, Revue d’Économie Politique, Vol. 122, pp 727-748, 

Legendre B., 2011, Inequalities between Retirees and Workers: an Empirical Model to Capture the Effect of Taxation, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 31, n° 4, pp 2787-2798, 

Legendre B., 2011, La croissance du revenu des retraités en Europe peut-elle être considérée comme pro-pauvre? Retraite et Société, n°60, pp 173-195, 

El Mekkaoui De Freitas N., Duc C., Briard K., Mage S., Legendre B., 2011, Aléas de carrières des seniors et impact sur les retraites, Economie et Statistiques, 441-442, pp 145-158,

El Mekkaoui De Freitas N., Duc C., Briard K., Mage S., Legendre B., 2011, Career Interruptions: how do they impact pension rights? The Geneva Papers on risk and insurance, issues and practice, Iss P 36: pp 440-457.


Work in progress

Energy Transition and Labor Market Performance: Can We Make Carbon Tax Socially Acceptable? with D.Charlier and S.Le Duigou

Utility Services Poverty: Addressing the Problem of Household Deprivation in Mayotte, with D.Charlier and O.Ricci

Assessing the Impact of Telework Adoption on GHG emissions: A Study Using a Job Search Model with a spatial mismatch, with S.Le Duigou and M.Charhbili

Increasing Retirement Age and Mental Health of Older Workers: The Role of Working Conditions, with M. Belloni, A. Lugova and J.Tanguy

Energy poverty in east european countries : a latent class approach, with R.Bardazzi, D.Charlier and M.G. Pazienza

Parental transmission and mental health g at university: the effects of cultural capital and parental time, with A.Carré, S.Le Duigou, A.Smeding, J.Tanguy


Charlier D., Legendre B.,  2023, Energy Poverty and Health Pathologies: An Empirical Study on the French Case. In: Bardazzi, R., Pazienza, M.G. (eds) Vulnerable Households in the Energy Transition. Studies in Energy, Resource and Environmental Economics. Springer, Cham. 


Energy Journal, Revue Economique, Energy Policy, Energy Economics, Économie et Statistiques, International Journal of Manpower, Retraite et Société, Economics Bulletin, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance