so quite recently google released this progressive web app for google meet. is there any way of when I join a meet from anywhere else, like a link I got sent via chat, or from a calendar event, that this opens directly in this app? because as of now it always opens in a tab in the browser and I have to click this middle icon AND then this confirmation first, which is frankly quite annoying.

For my PWA practice app, Chrome WAS showing the install icon. But once I installed it, even after it was uninstalled I never saw another Install icon. Even after rebooting chrome, reinstalling the serviceworker, etc... i don't know if my PWA has a bug, or if Chrome has a bug.

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To see information on all service workers, click See all registrations at the bottom of the Service Workers pane. This link takes to chrome://serviceworker-internals/?devtools where you can further debug your service workers.

The Clear Storage pane is a very useful feature when developing progressive web apps. This panelets you unregister service workers and clear all caches and storage with a single button click.Check out the section below to learn more.

However, if I use a progressive web app (PWA) on the same page (for example, the Microsoft Outlook PWA) and look at exactly the same page, if I hover over a link I don't see the target URL. This is a security risk, for example, when I receive an email from an unknown sender that contains links. I would like to be able to see the link URL before I click it. Is it possible to do this inside the PWA or do I have to go to Settings -> Open in Browser?

I have being researching, apparently there isn't a built-in way to do force the status bar to be displayed when using a progressive web application (PWA). You might have to use a web browser extension or some sort of user customization (userscript, userstyle, etc.). You might have to keep using the normal web app.

A progressive web application (PWA) is a web site that can be downloaded to your device and used like an app. The NIOSH Hearing Loss Simulator is an example of a PWA. While a PWA can be used like any regular web page, installing it can provide some advantages. An installed PWA can still be used without an internet connection. It will also appear alongside your other apps for convenient access.

When you install the web version of Outlook as a progressive web app, you can do things like pin and launch the web version of Outlook from your computer's home screen or task bar and access your account while you're offline.

Here some more (developer) information about how they work:

 MDN Web Docs Progressive web appsProgressive web apps use modern web APIs along with traditional progressive enhancement strategy to create cross-platform web applications. These apps work everywhere and provide several features that give them the same user experience advantages as...

This is a great example of the way PWAs can offer you the best of both worlds. It's also a good example of how progressive enhancement works with PWAs: if a user encounters your PWA on the web, using a browser that can't install it, they can use it just like a normal website.

When a Progressive Web App (PWA) is installed on Windows, Chrome creates a desktop shortcut to the PWA, with the PWA icon. The shortcut launches a small Chrome binary chrome_proxy.exe with the app id of the PWA, and the Chrome profile the PWA is installed in. When chrome_proxy.exe runs, it launches Chrome with the same command line options. The shortcut links to chrome_proxy.exe instead of chrome.exe because of a bug in Windows 10 start menu pinning.

Because of a limitation of the Windows shell, Chrome registers a per-PWA install launcher app as a handler for the file extension. Chrome ships with a canonical launcher app called chrome_pwa_launcher.exe, which lives in the version sub-directory of the Chrome install dir. When a PWA is installed, we create a hard link from the PWA install dir /Web Applications/ to the canonical launcher app. If the hard link fails (e.g., Chrome install dir is on a different drive than the profile dir), we copy the launcher app to the PWA install dir. In either case, the name of the launcher app in the PWA install dir is a sanitized version of the PWA name.

A progressive web application (PWA), or progressive web app, is a type of application software delivered through the web, built using common web technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and WebAssembly. It is intended to work on any platform with a standards-compliant browser, including desktop and mobile devices.

Since a progressive web app is a type of webpage or website known as a web application, it does not require separate bundling or distribution. Developers can simply publish the web application online, ensure that it meets baseline installation requirements and that users will be able to add the application to their home screen. Publishing the app to digital distribution systems like Apple App Store or Google Play is optional.[1]

In 2015, designer Frances Berriman and Google Chrome engineer Alex Russell coined the term "progressive web apps"[15] to describe apps taking advantage of new features supported by modern browsers, including service workers and web app manifests, that let users upgrade web apps to progressive web applications in their native operating system (OS). Google then put significant efforts into promoting PWA development for Android.[16][17] Firefox introduced support for service workers in 2016, and Microsoft Edge and Apple Safari followed in 2018,[18][16] making service workers available on all major systems.

Since a progressive web app is a type of webpage or website known as a web application, they do not require separate bundling or distribution. In particular, there is no requirement for developers or users to install web apps via digital distribution systems like Apple App Store, Google Play, Microsoft Store, or Samsung Galaxy Store. To varying degrees, the major app stores support the publication of PWAs.[1] Google Play, Microsoft Store,[21] and Samsung Galaxy Store support PWAs, but Apple App Store does not. Microsoft Store publishes some qualifying PWAs automatically (even without app authors' request) after discovering them via Bing indexing.[22]

Progressive web apps are all designed to work on any browser that is compliant with the appropriate web standards. As with other cross-platform solutions, the goal is to help developers build cross-platform apps more easily than they would with native apps.[16] Progressive web apps employ the progressive enhancement web development strategy.

Some progressive web apps use an architectural approach called the App Shell Model.[23] In this model, service workers store the Basic User Interface or "shell" of the responsive web design web application in the browser's offline cache. This model allows for PWAs to maintain native-like use with or without web connectivity. This can improve loading time, by providing an initial static frame, a layout or architecture into which content can be loaded progressively as well as dynamically.[24]

The technical baseline criteria for a site to be considered a progressive web app and therefore being capable of being installed by browsers were described by Russell in a follow-up post[25] and updated since:[26][27]

There are many technologies commonly used to create progressive web apps. A web application is considered a PWA if it satisfies the installation criteria and thus can work offline and can be added to device home screen. To meet this definition, all PWAs require at minimum a service worker and a manifest.[34][35][36]

Progressive Web App execution contexts get unloaded whenever possible, so progressive web apps need to store majority of long-term internal state (user data, dynamically loaded application resources) in one of the following manners

If you manage to track down the right programs for your purposes, though, progressive web apps can become an invaluable part of your productivity toolbox. The best PWAs provide fully capable, app-like interfaces that work offline and are virtually indistinguishable from their more traditional app counterparts. They're lightweight, they update themselves automatically, and they work exactly the same way across most common computing platforms. They can be an important element of a Chrome OS setup, and they can be every bit as useful on a Windows, Mac, or Linux system and even on an Android or iOS device.

This is where things get especially murky. Google is slowly starting to feature progressive web apps in the Play Store on Chromebooks, but the options are still few and far between (and also not labeled or searchable in any specific way). And while some third-party sites have popped up to fill the PWA virtual store void, those are generally a bit lackluster and bogged down with lots of low-quality silliness.

If you want a perfect example of what a progressive web app oughta be, look no further than Todoist. The exceptional list-making app (and my pick for one of the best organization-related apps on Android as well) offers a thoughtfully crafted PWA that looks, feels, and acts almost exactly like a regular local program.

Somewhat surprisingly, Keep is currently the sole Google service that's offered as a genuinely capable and worthwhile progressive web app at this point. Unlike its Google-family cousins, Keep acts like an actual program and allows you to search, view, and edit existing notes and also take new notes even when you're offline. And with advanced features ranging from time- and location-based reminders to tagging, color-coding, and even A.I.-driven image-to-text conversions, it's a standout option that's absolutely advantageous in this form. e24fc04721

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