2025 USA Powerlifting New York State Championships
USA Powerlifting Sanction NY-2025-01
March 15-16, 2025
Registration deadline February 22, 2024
Competition Information
The New York State Championships will be a 2-day competition.
We will be live-streaming this event so friends and family can watch you lift even though they might not be able to get there.
American records can be set
Open to ALL lifters, ages 8 to 108.
Totals and DOTS for Primetime must be set between 1/1/2024 to 2/22/2025
Athlete cap of 275
For spectator and coach information click HERE
New qualifying totals for 2025 New York States. Last year we introduced a minimum QT so people would funnel in through our local meets and for 2025 we are using actual totals. These are based on a percentage of the new Regionals QTs.Please be aware prior to registering.
Qualifying totals need to be in the weight class you're registering for. If you register in a lower weight class, you'll need a qualifying meet in that weight class. You're allowed to go up a weight class. Athletes in the 657.5kg weight class can decide if they want to go 65 or 70 kg. This is only for 2025.
Women who have 67.5kg QTs will be able to go up to 70 or down to 65 as the 67.5kg class will be gone starting in 2025. Also, women with a QT as a 75kg will also be able to go to the 70kg weight class. This is only for 2025.
Primetime Qualifications
Top DOTS for any weight classes
Minimum DOTS to qualify
Females 400
Males 450
A total of 12 females and 12 males
Primetime is only open to NY residents
Primetime is for Open competitors only
Primetime lifters will still need to make weight
Cash prizes for the top 5 males and females based on DOTS total
First - $1000
Second - $750
Third - $500
Fourth - $250
Fifth - $150
USA Powerlifting weight classes
Women (kg): 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 65, 75, 82.5, 90, 100, 100+
Men (kg): 52, 56, 60, 67.5, 75, 82.5, 90, 100, 110, 125, 140, 140+
Youth Male (kg): 30, 35, 40, 44, 48
Youth Female (kg): 30, 35, 40
Any questions about the USA Powerlifting rules please refer to the USA Powerlifting Technical Rulebook
Albany Cap Center
55 Eagle St
Albany, NY 12207
March 15-16, 2025
Meet Director:
Jan Daurio
Email: bentbarpl@gmail.com