Outreach & News

Outreach has always been a personal passion and I truly believe that early (and late) exposure to evidence-based thinking in the classroom and beyond is essential to the creation of engaged members of any community. I love to interact with my community, both far and wide, by leading nature walks and sharing my research in and out of the classroom. 

Video abstract summarizing our spatial learning and memory methods 

In the Press

Opinion piece in the LA times! - published through the Conversation (see below) and covered by the Times, this piece discusses how chickadees can signal future impacts of climate change in montane species.

Articles in Living Bird, BirdWatching magazine, and the Associated press

Feature and video in Nevada Today

We found no negative effects on our local population of mountain chickadees due to supplemental feeding related to our ongoing study! 

Click HERE for a great video from UNR's Nevada Today 

Article in July issue of the American Birding Association

Click here for the full article


Formerly the Director of Environmental Education for a small non-profit

Lead open houses at UNR's Natural history museum

Teach wildlife identification classes via museum collection

Volunteer with multiple non-profits and within classrooms to share ongoing research

I work with the local Audubon Society giving talks and leading field trips

Contribute to field research classes at UNR

Received Volunteer of the Year award from the Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation 

Give numerous talks to local organizations including the Great Basin Bird Observatory

Collaboration with Nevada Humanities

Along with others at UNR, I provided natural history accompaniment to a collection of nature themed poetry (Sagebrush to Sandstone: A Humanities Guide to Outdoor Nevada)

Free Download of the collection!

Notes from Skype with a Scientist!

Co-speaker alongside Dr. Carrie Branch

Contributed interviews and photography

American Robin biology in the Tahoe Basin

Contributed cover photo for 

General and Comparative Endocrinology

Other invited informal talks