What we did during the week:

Semester 2: Week 16

FINISH HIM! The last part of the robot, the martini rails, have been put on by Kevin as everyone has been working diligently on the document and presentation. I have taken it upon myself to do the poster, since I did it during prelim as well. We have done dress rehearsal and did a mock presentation that still needs to be refined, but we are ready for the capstone symposium. Thank you for following along to the story of ERAA and its start, development, and final product.

Semester 2: Week 15

Paperwork time, our favorite. Cade and I have started working on the document, as well as dividing up the workload between the members of ERAA. Tony started working on the presentation, setting a basic format. Kevin and Chiedu have still been working on the cup slide by sanding certain parts down so that the new prongs can be attached. Everyone is also working on the document in their free time, and communication in and out of class has been great for helping get the document done.

Semester 2: Week 14

Time for everything to be put together. I hooked up the "@DO" and "@WAIT" functions between the DRCX and the microcontrollers as well as conducting our tests for the test document. Chiedu sanded the cup slide ramps slightly lower and implemented a triangular guide to help keep the glasses going down the ramp consistently. Kevin has finished the prongs for the highball and lowball glasses and started working on the martini rails that we need. Cade helped set up the tests as well as helped get the pneumatic lines going with Dr. Isenberg. I got the robot opening and closing via software and pneumatic controllers. The system had a 90% test completion rate, with the main test of having the system make a drink, fail.

Semester 2: Week 13

One week until testing has us very busy in our respective jobs. I have been conducting some more tests, finalized the bottle positions, and started on redoing the motor encoder code. Kevin has been hard at work with the new cup slide, finalizing the gripper and sending it off to RPL, letting Cade deal with the logistics of picking it up and any other needs. Cade and Chiedu have been working on the cup shelf and cup shelf stand, making sure it is dimensionally and structurally sound.

Semester 2: Week 12

Keep chugging along! Kevin is still working on the new gripper design. He also started working on a "prong" style glass holder. I have been helping troubleshoot the problems and concerns in the project, taking a step back to look at it with a wider lens, I have also started working on some of the early tests that we had planned. Cade and Chiedu have been in AXFAB most of the week between cutting a hole in the cooler, cutting the 80/20 that came in for the bottle shelf, and putting in a work order for anchors to be cut into the 80/20 that will allow us to mount it.

Semester 2: Week 11

A new purchase order has been sent through by Cade, which includes a new, faster motor and some more 80/20 for mounting the bottle shelf to the frame of the Yamaha. I have been troubleshooting various concerns with both fabrication and the electrical side of the project. Kevin has been working on the gripper along with starting the new cup slide design so that his new gripper can be useful. Cade and Chiedu have decided on a design for the ice machine as well as started to find parts for it and sent it off to AXFAB for fabrication.

Semester 2: Week 10

Spring Break!

Semester 2: Week 9

Microcontroller code is outputting the correct signals, time to move on to feedback controls for the motor encoders. The motor has been mounted to the bottom of the manipulator. Chiedu and Cade are coming up with final designs for the ice machine, puck design seems to be the most practical. I have found a piece of acrylic for the turntable as well as cut it and mounted it to the motor mount that Cade designed. Kevin has started working on a new gripper that will be able to hold all of the glasses that we have.

Semester 2: Week 8

The manipulator is all put together, so glad that is done. I have continued to work on the microcontroller code, making sure that the serial ports are responsive and putting out the correct voltages. Cade and Tony started to design and 3D print a motor mount for the bottom of the manipulator using a Pololu motor. Chiedu has started researching ice makers and various designs to accomplish that. Chiedu has also started a CAD design for the ice machine using basic design concepts. Kevin was sick this week, but hopefully he feels better soon.

Semester 2: Week 5-7

So sorry for not updating recently. The past couple of weeks has had us with our heads down hard at work. The hex nut finally came in thus the manipulator is fully assembled. I have been diligently making the code for the microcontroller that runs the motors for the manipulator and turntable, now working on getting encoders into it for feedback control. Cade, Chiedu, and Kevin are hard at work finishing up the building aspect of the project. And Tony is trying to connect up our Homebrew POS system to the Fxyx.

Semester 2: Week 4

Alas, time for another update. The cup shelf (our first attempt) is done. Isn't the most level of shelves in the world but it still does the job we need. Our manipulator has also been cut out and welded together (shout out to Patrick and Jeff at AXFab). We are waiting on a single hex nut to be mailed in and then 2 subsystems will be done with the building phase. Up next is the bottle shelf and the turntable. We estimate about 2-3 more weeks to finish up the major building aspects of our capstone. After that, we move on to testing and troubleshooting! (Seen on the left is a picture of our vertical translation bracket getting welded by Jeff)

Semester 2: Week 3

More materials have come in. Cade is making some of our physical systems now starting with the cup shelf. Our school sponsored bottles and glasses have come in, as you can see on the left. Tony and I (Cat) are just about done with the Homebrew point of sale system. And Kevin and Chiedu are diligently working on the test procedure document.


Semester 2: Week 2

HE IS ALIVE!! Benny the robotic bartender has a working POS system that connects to the YAMAHA Fxyx. Should the user select a button, the robot will go to a specific coordinate point respective to that button. Also, our first set of materials has come in and we are starting to 3D print some parts of our robot

Semester 2: Week 1

Back at it again!!! After a very restful winter break, we are hitting the ground running. This week we made our semester 2 Gantt Chart. Which can be seen in the documents page. More updates to come every friday!

Week 13 - 15:

It is crunch time. CAD models, kinematics, EOMs, electrical, and structural analysis is being wrapped up all nicely for our pre-lim document. Check out the documents page for our finalized cad assembly. Our official Capstone Presentation takes place on 12/10/21 at 9am!

Week 12:

CAD models are being finalized and the kinematics have been started. The forward kinematics/draw file has been made and now the inverse kinematics and velocity kinematics are up next. Chiedu and Catherine are working on those. Cade, Kevin, and Tony are working on the software schematics as well as figuring out which components will best work for our project.

Week 11:

Following along on the Gant chart, this week we made all the CAD models and assemblies of each system of our project. As well as we set up the preliminary document format and sectioned out each chapter for ease of implementation for when that section is done. The whole CAD assembly can be seen in the documents page (should be uploaded by Nov 6).

Week 9 and 10:

Getting into the bulk of the design of our capstone. In these two weeks, we made our Gant chart, which can be seen in our documents page. As well as finalizing the gripper, vertical translation, and overall layout of the system.

Week 7-8:

Continued working on the specification document. Ran into the issue of our specifications sounding a lot like requirements so we had to revise quite a few times. Then on 10/22/2021, we presented in front of our class. Now we are waiting on our peers for their comments.

Week 6:

Started working on the specifications document. We are to take the requirements document we made, and come up with specifications for our robot that accomplish everything required.

Week 5:

Group conceptual design was created. The process included a morphological chart that showed all the ideas that could be used to solve the problem statement. And then we used a ranking system with our decision matrices to pick the best idea to use in our design. This week we will be presenting our design in front of our peers and get feedback from them.

Week 4:

Individual concept designs were presented. Our designs ranged from manipulator arms, assembly lines, and cartesian systems. The next step is coming up with our group conceptual design!

Week 3:

The team split off this week to come up with individual conceptual design. That way when we come together, we will have multiple ways of solving our problem. With the individual conceptual designs, a presentation and a document was needed to be made so that our peers can review and provide feedback.

Week 2:

Receive constructive criticism on our requirements document and edited the document where it was needed. This week we looked into other literature and patent projects regarding our problem statement. Then presented our findings to the class.

Week 1:

Senior capstone teams were divided and project ideas were voted on. Problem statement was made as well as a draft of the requirements document.