Benjamín Villena Roldán

I am an Associate Professor at the Institute for Economic Policies, Universidad Andres Bello (Santiago, Chile).

My current research interests are Macroeconomics, Labor Economics, and Political Economy.

Here you can find my C.V.

I am a principal researcher in the Nucleus LM2C2 (Labor Market Mismatch: Causes and Consequences) and an adjunct researcher of the MIPP (Millenium Institute on Market Imperfections and Public Policy)

I am also co-director of the SABE project (Sistema de Análisis de Bolsas de Empleo), which gathers and harmonizes real-time data from job ads and applicants from multiple online job boards in Chile and classify demand and supply side into occupations using machine learning techniques.

These are profiles in: Google Scholar, RePeC, SSRN, Research Gate, ORCID, Scopus.

Contact: benjamin (at)



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