Old News
Sept 27, 2024: Note in La Tercera with my opinions on the causes of youth unemployment.
Sept 26-27, I co-organized the XXVI Workshop in International Economics and Finance, a joint effort by Universidad Andres Bello, Central Bank of Chile, Universidad Torcuato di Tella, World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, and Becker Friedman Institute.
Sept 25, 2025: My new column on reducing legal holidays to increase vacation days in La Segunda.
Sept 10, 2024: I gave a brief talk at a joint seminar given by Fundación Grandes and the Institute for Public Policies (IPP) UNAB on the integenerational integration at work.
Sept 6, 2024: I presented our paper "Working hours policy reform: micro and macro impacts" (with M. Tejada) at the Society of Chilean Economists Annual Meeting in Concepción, Chile.
Sept 2, 2024: Portrayed in a note in Publimetro on the surpringing IMACEC (monthly proxy GDP) of July 2024.
Aug 30, 2024: Portayed in a note in Publimetro (here too) about the evolution of employment in Chile.
Aug 24, 2024: I was portrayed in a note in Emol about tipping for waiters and other workers, the potential regulations, and consequences.
July 25, 2024: As a co-director I'm proud of launching the new platform of SABE, Online Job Board Analysis System (Sistema de Análisis de Bolsas de Empleo in Spanish) a joint effort on WIC, ISCI, SENCE and OTIC SOFOFA. I was the moderator of a panel of experts from academia, industry, and government during the event, available in Youtube.
July 24, 2024: Interview in La Tercera on the recent minimum wage raise in Chile. (PDF)
July 24, 2024: We launched a Call for papers for the Second Workshop in Poly Evaluation to be held in Santiago Chile, on October 29-30. Our keynote speaker this year is Professor Gordon Dahl (UCSD). For more information, please visit this website.
July 24, 2024: Interview in La Tercera on the causes, consequences, and policy challenges associated with the accelerated population aging in Chile. (PDF)
July 20, 2024: Column on the relation between labor informality and public policies in Ex-Ante.
July 19, 2024: We are organizing a 2024 version of the MIPP Workshop in Policy Evaluation to be held in Santinago, Chile on October 29-30, 2024. Gordon Dahl (UC San Diego) is the keynote speaker this year. If you are interested, please visit the workshop's website or just submit a paper or extended abstract to workshop.policy.evaluation@gmail.com.
July 18, 2024: I have been appointed for the fifth consecutive year as a member of the expert committee for the calculation of trend GDP in Chile, a key input for the preparation of the 2025 fiscal budget. Press release of the Ministry of Finance.
July 16, 2024: We got an invitation to revise and resubmit our paper "Deconstructing Job Search Behavior" in Labour Economics.
July 9, 2024: I wrote a letter to CIPER to assess the potential size of workers covered by the new increase of the minimum wage in Chile.
July 4, 2024: I gave an interviewed at the website El Mostrador TV on labor informality in Chile and its consequences for income stability and public policy.
June 25, 2024: I was one of the expositors in a round table on labor informality and productivity. The event was recorded in Youtube.
June 24, 2024: I gave an interview to Radio Sonar on labor informality in Chile and its implications for policy reforms.
June 6, 2024: I presented our paper "Wage Cyclicality Revisited: the Role of Hiring Standards" at the Université de Le Mans, France.
June 4, 2024: I presented our paper "Wage Cyclicality Revisited: the Role of Hiring Standards" at Aarhus University, Denmark.
May 30, 2024: I gave my perspectives on the last employment data in a report posted in La Segunda.
May 30, 2024: Brief interview on Diario Financiero the new proposals to strengthen sectoral union laws in Chile.
May 30, 2024: Column appeared in La Tercera about "the forbidden question" or the idea to ban the employer's question on the applicant's wage expectations.
May 30, 2024: Interview on Radio Infinita in which we discuss the recent employment data in Chile.
May 6, 2024: What a day for "Unpacking informality persistence" ! Just accepted for publication in the Journal of Labor Research.
May 6, 2024: I wrote a column based on my paper "Unpacking informality persistence" at CIPER Chile which highlights the short-term duration of informal jobs in Chile.
May 2, 2024: I was interviewed on Radio Agricultura on the new developments in the Chilean labor market, mostly about new ideas on raising the minimum wage.
May 1, 2024: My assessment on the current stance of the Chilean labor market featured by El Mercurio mainly addresses increasing informality.
April 29, 2024: A new article on our recent research on the impact of the reduction of legal hours worked in Chile (joint work with Mauricio Tejada) in El Mostrador is available.
April 29, 2024: In conmemoration of Labor Day (in many countries, but not in the US), I wrote a short letter highlighting often neglected groups in the labor market, such as informal, unemployed, and inactive workers as well as today's and future workers facing new risks and challenges. The letter was published in La Segunda.
April 22, 2024: A new version of my paper Unpacking the persistence of informality is available.
March 1, 2024: I posted a thread in X and a post in Linkedin explaining the contributions of our paper Labor Markets, Inequality, and Hiring Selection, which I jointly coauthor with Alessandra Pizzo)
Feb 23, 2024: Our new working paper is available Labor Markets, Inequality, and Hiring Selection (coauthored with Alessandra Pizzo)
Jan 24, 2024: I presented our paper "What s/he wants in a job" at the Workshop of Labor and Immigration co-organized by MIGRA, LM2C2 and MIPP. The keynote speaker was Alexandre Mas from UC Berkeley
Jan 8, 2024: I presented our paper "Labor Markets, Wage Inequality, and Hiring Selection" at the 2024 SAET Meeting in Santiago, Chile. I had the honor to organize this session on Frictional Labor Markets
Dec 28, 2023: I presented our paper (Frisch-Waugh-Lovell)': On the Estimation of Regression Models by Row (joint with D. Clarke and N. Paris) at the Fifth Annual PUC Alumni Workshop
Dec 15, 2023: I presented our paper "Working hours policy reforms: Implications for labor market allocations and productivity" (joint with M. Tejada) at the Workshop in Policy Evaluation I co-organized with support of MIPP.
Dec 11, 2023: I presented our paper "Working hours policy reforms: Implications for labor market allocations and productivity" (joint with M. Tejada) at the Annual Workshop organized by LM2C2.
Dec 6, 2023: I presented our paper "What s/he wants in a job" at the Gender and Labor Market Mismatches Workshop organized by LM2C2. Here you can see the presentation in Youtube
Nov 27, 2023: A new working paper on computation of econometric models in row-wise fashion is available (Frisch-Waugh-Lovell)': On the Estimation of Regression Models by Row (joint with D. Clarke and N. Paris) arXiv working paper. Also available as a Discussion Paper of IZA Institute Labor of Economics..
Nov 22, 2023: I presented our paper "Wage Cyclicality Revisited: The Role of Hiring Standards " at the weekly seminar of the Central Bank of Chile.
Nov 14, 2023: A brief non-technical article in Spanish, titled "Rigidez de Salarios una vez más y el rol de los estándares de contratación" which is part of the Señales series at the Institute for Economic Policies at UNAB. This article is based on our paper "Wage Cyclicality Revisited: The Role of Hiring Standards"
Sept 29, 2023: Brief interview in La Segunda on the recent increase of the unemployment rate in Chile.
Sept 12, 2023: Brief interview in ADN radio on recent employment reductions of big retailers and their implications for the labor market.
Sept 1, 2023: I presented our paper "What s/he wants in a job" at the Annual Meeting of the Chilean Economic Society (SECHI).
July 28, 2023: Brief interview in La Segunda on the current unemployment rate and its evolution for the next months.
July 19, 2023: Our joint project with Steven Davis (Chicago) and Sekyu Choi (Bristol) received a Becker Fredman Institute LATAM grant.
July 17, 2023: The Chilean Ministry of Finance appointed me as one of the members of the commitee of experts to determine the trend GDP for the structural balance fiscal budget. You can find the official news here.
June 30, 2023: I presented our paper "Labor Markets, Wage Inequality, and Hiring Selection" at the 2023 Society for Economics Dynamics Meeting.in Cartagena, Colombia.
May 10, 2023: I participated in a round table to talk about the new regulation of hours worked in Chile organized by MIPP and LM2C2. You can find extract here or to watch the whole activity in Youtube.
May 8, 2023: A new version of our paper "Deconstructing Job Search" is now available.
May 4, 2023: I was also interviewed in Radio Inicia to mainly talk about the recient increase of the unemployment rate in Chile.
May 4, 2023: I was interviewed in Radio Agricultura on the current situation of the Chilean labor market, addressing the increasing unemployment rate and the recently approved reduction of legal hours worked.
May 3, 2023: I wrote a column explaining our paper Opening the Black Box of Social Capital Formation, published in American Political Science Review in 2014, for one of my favorite blogs in Economics Nada es Gratis.
May 1, 2023: My column on the just approved reduction and flexibilization of regular hours worked in Chile was published in El Mostrador. Just in time for the Labor Day!
Apr 26, 2023: The official website of the Nucleus LM2C2 Labor Market Mismatch: Causes and Consequences is up. I am delighted to be one of the principal researchers of this joint grant funded by ANID.
Apr 18, 2023: I presented the paper "Measuring occupation demand from job ads" at the Economics seminar of Universidad de Santiago (USACH, FAE)
Apr 5, 2023: I presented the paper "What he/she wants in a job" at the Development Seminar, University of Notre Dame, USA.
Mar 31, 2023: I presented the paper "What he/she wants in a job" at the Midwest Economic Association Meeting, SOLE session in Cleveland OH, USA.
Mar 15, 2023: My paper Unpacking the Persistence of Informality was just submitted and is available for download.
Jan 16, 2023: Great news! I was granted a Fondecyt Regular project (Chilean NSF) for 2023-26. The project's title is "Understanding occupations and labor demand through online job boards". Overall results are here.
Jan 16, 2023: Featured on a note on the expected behavior of the Chilean labor market over 2023 in La Segunda
Dec 27, 2022: I present the paper "What he/she wants in a job" at the 4th PUC Alumni Workshop.
Dec 23, 2022: Our paper "Wage Cyclicality Revisited: The Role of Hiring Standards" got a R&R at the Review of Economic Studies.
Dec 19, 2022: We had the Workshop in Labor Market Power) at UNAB, co-organized with MIPP. Six great papers and fantastic discussion !!. Suresh Naidu (Columbia) was the keynote speaker.
Dec 4, 2022: I just started a monthly Newsletter Mercado laboral online - SABE in LinkedIn to comment and discuss the latest indicators from the SABE project. Please subscribe if you are interested!
Nov 19, 2022: I presented the paper "Measuring occupation demand from job ads" at the Annual Workshop of the Millennium Nucleus on The Evolution of Work (M-NEW)
Nov 5, 2022: Interview on trends in occupations in job ads in Chile, Anniversary edition, Diario Financiero
Nov 5, 2022: I presented our paper Labor Markets, Inequality, and Hiring Selection at the 2022 LACEA LAMES Meeting at Universidad del Pacífico, Lima, Peru
Nov 4, 2022: TV appearance (minute 4) talking on mandatory pension contributions and informality (CNN Chile)
Nov 4, 2022: TV appearance (minute 16) talking on the relationship between informality and mandatory pension contributions (Meganoticias)
November 2, 2022: Column on the legal hours worked in Chile after the pandemic reproduced in La Tribuna
October 31, 2022: Column on the legal hours worked in Chile after the pandemic reproduced in El Heraldo Austral
October 21, 2022: We got great news: Felipe Balmaceda, Paola Bordón, Andrea Canales, Mauricio Bucca, Mauricio Tejada and I got a Millenium Nucleus grant for the project LM2C2 "Labor Market Mismatch: Causes and Consequences" an interdisciplinary project in Economics and Sociology.
October 20, 2022: Column on the legal hours worked in Chile after the pandemic in biobiochile.cl
October 12, 2022: Press coverage on the SABE report as of August 2022 in Diario Financiero
October 9, 2022: Column on the legal hours worked in Chile after the pandemic in El Mercurio de Valparaíso
Sept 23, 2022: Press coverage on the SABE report as of August 2022 in Diario Financiero
Sept 2, 2022: Press coverage on the SABE report as of July 2022 in Diario Financiero
August 16, 2022: Portrayed in Diario Financiero for a proposed increase on the legal maximum share of immigrants in Chilean firms.
August 11, 2022: Press coverage on the SABE report as of June 2022 in Diario Financiero
July 13, 2022: Press coverage on the SABE report as of May 2022 in Diario Financiero
June 13, 2022: Press coverage on the SABE report as of april 2022 in Diario Financiero
June 10, 2022: I now presented the paper "Labor Markets, Wage Inequality, and Hiring Selection" (a draft available soon) at the Economics Seminar of Catholic University of Chile .
May 30, 2022: I presented the paper "Labor Markets, Wage Inequality, and Hiring Selection" (a draft available soon) at the Economics Seminar of Universidad Alberto Hurtado .
May 26, 2022: I presented the paper Occupations and Job Ads (no link available yet) at the 2022 MIPP Workshop in Concón.
May 24, 2022: I presented our paper Deconstructing Job Search Behavior at the 2022 RIDGE-LACEA Labor Workshop (online this year).
May 19, 2022: Coverage to the new release of the SABE project for March 2022 Diario Financiero. Still a large shortage of labor supply in Chile.
April 22, 2022: A large revision of our paper, "Wage Cyclicality Revisited: The Role of Hiring Standards" is now under submission and available for download.
April 21, 2022: A long journey ends: our paper Sorting on-line and on-time finally got online at the European Economic Review.
April 5, 2022: Coverage to the new release of the SABE project for February 2022 Diario Financiero, including regional and occupational classification of ads, among other indicators.
March 7, 2022: Reproduction of my column on the shortage of workers in Chile, with reference to SABE project El Sur de Concepción
March 1, 2022: I am starting a new job as Associate Professor at the Institute for Economic Policies, at the Universidad Andres Bello.
March 1, 2022: Release of a policy paper The Beveridge Curve in Chile (in Spanish). Observatorio del Contexto Económico, Universidad Diego Portales.
February 28, 2022: TV interview in Mega on a slight increase of job applications reported by the SABE project in January 2022 and teleworking.
February 18, 2022: a short TV interview in MegaNoticias on the adoption of a four-day workweek in Belgium
February 18, 2022: Short note in Mega on the novel four-day work week in Belgium and its relation to the debate about hours worked in Chile.
February 9, 2022: Featured in Diario Financiero on a note on the change of reasons for job termination during 2021, according to official statistics.
Feb 4, 2022: Coverage to the new data released by the SABE project up to the end of December 2021 in Diario Financiero.
Jan 23, 2022: Column on the shortage of workers in Chile, with reference to SABE project was reproduced in El Rancaguino and La Estrella el Diario de Chiloé
Jan 22, 2022: Column on the shortage of workers in Chile, with reference to SABE project was reproduced in La Tribuna and El Divisadero
Jan 21, 2022: Our paper "Sorting on-line and on-time" has been finally accepted at the European Economic Review.
Jan 17, 2022: Column on the shortage of workers in Chile, with reference to SABE project Pulso, La Tercera or here
Jan 2, 2022: Interview on the situation of the Chilean labor market, with special focus on SABE indicators (Canal 13 )
Dec 31, 2021: Coverage to the new data released by the SABE project up to the end of November 2021. We now released stats covering five portals in Chile, with detailed data for 16 Chilean regions, more than 100 occupational titles (ISCO08), data for posted wages and required experience (Diario Financiero).
Nov 26, 2021: Coverage to the new data released by the SABE project up to the end of October 2021.Diario Financiero.
Oct 22, 2021: Our paper "Sorting on-line and on-time" has been conditionally accepted for publication at the European Economic Review (jointly written with Sekyu Choi and Stefano Banfi).
Oct 22, 2021: Coverage to the new data released by the SABE project up to the end of September 2021 (Diario Financiero).
Sept 27, 2021: Coverage to the new data released by the SABE project up to the end of August 2021 (Diario Financiero).
Sept 22, 2021: Interview and TV coverage to scarcity of applicants in the labor market (Mega).
Sept 8, 2021: Brief extract of interview on reduction of legal hours worked in Chile (Mega).
Sept 2, 2021: My column on the dubious recovery of the Chilean labor market in La Segunda.
Sept 1, 2021: SABE statistics used in the Quarterly Monetary Policy Report of the Central Bank of Chile (IPOM, page 45).
Aug 31, 2021: I've been promoted to Associate Professor at the Department of Economics of Diego Portales University.
Aug 26, 2021: An interview on the last SABE report in (Canal 13).
Aug 26, 2021: The recent SABE report shows shortage of applicants in the labor market (Diario Financiero).
Aug 24, 2021: The july 2021 report of the SABE (online job board data monitoring) project is released here.
Aug 3, 2021: Featured in a note on the small share of female economists in the trend GDP committee appointed by the Ministry of Finance (Pauta)
Aug 2, 2021: Press coverage of appointment by the Ministry of Finance as an expert in the panel for trend GDP estimation, a key input for the fiscal budget in 2022 (Diario Financiero)
July 25, 2021: A new version of our paper "Sorting on-line and on-time" is available in this link. Hopefully, no more updates.!
July 22, 2021: Another coverage of the first monthly report of SABE (Online Job Board Analysis System) in Canal 24 Horas
July 22, 2021: Coverage of the first monthly report of SABE (Sistema de Análisis de Bolsas de Empleo) (Online Job Board Analysis System) in Diario Financiero or this link.
July 21, 2021: We launch the first monthly report of SABE (Sistema de Análisis de Bolsas de Empleo) (Online Job Board Analysis System). The webinar is in Youtube. You can download the report (in Spanish) here (Julio 2021)
July 15, 2021: An article on a brief policy report on the impact of legal hours worked reduction in Chile was posted in Pulso. This report, jointly writen with Juan Bravo and Rafael Sánchez, can be found here
July 7, 2021: Our paper "Deconstructing job search behavior" is featured for uncovering gender differences in job search behavior in El Mostrador
July 5, 2021: Interviewed about the new proposals on legal reduction of standard hours worked in Chile (Pauta.cl )
July 4, 2021: Featured our study on gender differences in job search behavior (among other things) El Mercurio
July 2, 2021: I presented our paper "Wage Cyclicality Revisited: The Role of Hiring Standards" was presented in the session "The Hiring Process" at the 2021 Society for Economic Dynamics Meeting (Minneapolis, USA) .
June 12, 2021: I presented our paper "Wage Cyclicality Revisited: The Role of Hiring Standards" was presented in the session "Frictions and Labor" at the 2021 North American Summer Econometric Society Meeting (Montreal, Canada) .
May 19, 2021: I gave a flash presentation of our paper "Sorting on-line and on-time" at the 10th Search and Matching Group Meeting (Conpenhaguen, Denmark) .
May 15, 2021: Our paper "Wage Cyclicality Revisited: The Role of Hiring Standards" was presented in the session "Leveraging vacancy data" at the 2021 Society of Labor Economics Meeting .
April 28, 2021: I presented the paper "The Impact of COVID-19 on the Labor Market: A Perspective from Online Job Board Data" in the Economics Seminar at University of Montreal, Canada
Jan 20, 2021: I presented a preliminary paper "The Impact of COVID-19 on the Labor Market: A Perspective from Online Job Board Data" at the First Macro Group of SECHI (Chilean Economic Society) (online meeting of course, slides available on request) .
Jan 12, 2021: Comisión Nacional de Productividad (National Productivity Committee) has released its 2020 Annual Report. I am the author of chapter 3 on the impact of Covid-19 on the Chilean labor market, which used data from the SABE project .
Jan 11, 2021: We have released the program for the First Macroeconomics Group Conference at SECHI (Chilean Economic Society). The program should be posted here soon. The virtual activity will take place on Wednesday, Jan 20th.
Dec 18, 2020: Our paper "Wage Cyclicality Revisited: The Role of Hiring Standards" was presented at the 2nd PUC Alumni Workshop.
Nov 27, 2020: I was appointed a member of a panel of experts in reducing labor market informality in Chile by the Ministries of Finance and Labor Affairs. This is also featured by UDP.
Nov 7, 2020: We have a new version of our paper Sorting on-line and on-time with Stefano Banfi and Sekyu Choi, under revision at EER
Oct19, 2020: I presentated our paper "Sorting on-line and on-time" at the Economics Seminar of University of Houston .
Oct 9, 2020: Interview in Canal 24 Horas, Mañana Informativa, on the recent behavior of the Chilean labor market.
Oct 6, 2020: Interview in Radio Universidad de Chile, Conexión Empresarial on the Online Job Board Analytic System (SABE)..
Oct 2, 2020: Interview in Radio Infinita, Work Café Santander (approx min 39) on the Online Job Board Analytic System (SABE)..
Sept 24, 2020: A note on the proposed raise of the minimum wage in Chile in Miradas MIPP
Sept 19, 2020: Our paper "Wage Cyclicality Revisited: The Role of Hiring Standards" was presented at the 3rd IDSC of IZA/University of Luxembourg Workshop: Matching Workers and Jobs Online - New Developments and Opportunities for Social Science and Practice.
Aug 22, 2020: Interview in Radio Cooperativa, (approx min 30) on the Online Job Board Analytic System (SABE), the impact of COVID-19 on females in the market, and more..
Aug 20-22, 2020: Featured and brief interview for a TV report on the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the female labor market in MegaNoticias, August 20 (minute 50 approx) and August 22.
August 18, 2020: We presented preliminary results of the SABE project (Analysis System of Onlline Job Boards, Spanish accronym). This time we focus on the impact of the pandemic on the Chilean labor market using online job board data in Chile. We had welcome words of the Minister of Labor Affairs, María José Zaldívar and a panel of experts to discuss the results. (Youtube)
August 17, 2020: Ï presented our paper "Wage Cyclicality Revisited: The Role of Hiring Standards" at the presented at the 2020 World Econometric Society Meeting. The recorded contributed session is in Youtube.
June 18, 2020: Artícle on macroeconomic effects of Covid-19, jointly written with Elton Dusha (Miradas MIPP)
May 7, 2020: Interview on the effects of negative oil prices for the Chilean economy (Miradas MIPP)
May 5, 2020: The Ministry of Finance of Chile / Budget Office have released the expert board to estimates from trend GDP in Chile, a key input for fiscal expansion in 2020 (Link here).
May 5, 2020: I presented our paper "Avoiding Layoffs: On-the-job search and Partial Insurance" at the online seminar pof the Economics Department of Universidad de Chile (Link here).
May 4, 2020: I presented in the Webinar "Macroeconomic effects of the Covid-19" organized by the Department of Economics of UDP and MIPP. Facundo Piguillem (Einaudi), Germán Cubas (Houston), Elton Dusha (UDP). and I discussed the impact of the pandemic from different angles (Youtube). A summary is available at the MIPP website
Apr 24, 2020: The National Productivity Committee (Comisión Nacional de Productividad) has released the technical report on the consequences of a potential reduction of legal hours worked in Chile entitled "Análisis Técnico de una Reducción Legal de la Jornada Laboral". Mauricio Tejada (UA Hurtado) and I wrote The Chapter 4 on Empirical Analysis.
April 1, 2020: Interview about the Chilean government fiscal plan to face the Covid-19 (Miradas MIPP)
Jan 17, 2020: Our paper "Wage Cyclicality Revisited: The Role of Hiring Standards" is now available for download
Dec 17, 2019: I presented our paper "Avoiding Layoffs: On-the-job search and partial insurance" at the First Economics UC Alumni Workshop.
Nov 29-30 2019: We had our MIPP workshop in Macroeconomics and Market Frictions. Jan Eeckhout was the keynote speaker this year.
Sept 23, 2019: I was invited to the Labor Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives of Chile to give my opinion on the Employment and Training Administration (SENCE) reform in Chile. For a video, see around minute 41 here .
Aug 27, 2019: I wrote a column on bills proposing to lower the cap of standard hours worked in Chile (La Tercera)
Aug 14, 2019: Interview on labor law regulation on standard of hours worked in Chile Radio Universo.
August 1, 2019: I am joining the Economics Department at Diego Portales University.
July 15, 2019: The Ministry of Finance has appointed me to serve as a member of the expert board to estimate the trend GDP in Chile, a key input for fiscal expansion in 2020 (Emol, La Tercera, Diario Financiero, Ministry of Finance).
June 20, 2019: Finally, our paper on directed search evidence is in the current number of the Journal of Labor Economics (July 2019 issue).
May 28, 2019: Column on the joint impact of labor market and pension system reform in Chile (La Tercera). On May 31, the same column was reposted in Vox LACEA
May 8-10, 2019: Three of my papers were presented at the 2019 Search and Matching Annual Meeting in Oslo, Norway. I presented a poster of the paper "Labor Markets, Inequality, and Hiring Selection" (joint with Alessandra Pizzo, U. de Chile). My coauthor, Carlos Lizama (NYU) presented our paper "Avoiding Layoffs: On-the-job Search and Partial Insurance". Last, but not least, my coauthor Sekyu Choi (Bristol) presented the paper "Wage Cyclicality Revisited: The Role of Hiring Standards" (also jointly with Nincen Figueroa, U. de Chile)
May 6, 2019: I presented the paper "Wage Cyclicality Revisited: The Role of Hiring Standards" (joint with Sekyu Choi and Nincen Figueroa) at the Macro Seminar of the Tinbergen Institute in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Mar 27, 2019: Interview on the Pension reform in Radio Infinita.
Jan 23, 2019: My Fondecyt research project "Job Search and Wage Offers on the Internet" is featured in the Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas (FCFM) webpage.
Jan 22, 2019: A working paper version of our paper "Deconstructing Job Search Behavior" is available.
Jan 22, 2019: An updated version of our paper "Sorting on-line and on-time" is available.
Jan 16, 2019: My research project "Job Search and Wage Offers on the Internet" obtained a four-year Fondecyt Regular research grant.
Dec 20, 2018: Op-ed on the Chilean pension reform: competence is not always efficiency (Vox LACEA, and also in Miradas MIPP, joint with Matteo Triossi, in Spanish)
Nov 29, 2018: I presented our paper "Deconstructing Job Search Behavior" at the (9th Bolivian Conference on Development Economics ) in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.
Nov 16, 2018: Interview in Radio Cooperativa on the weak Chilean labor market. Video available here
Nov 5-6, 2018: We organize the First MIPP Workshop in Macroeconomics at the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Chile.
Sept 21-22, 2018: My coauthor Sekyu Choi and myself are presenting our papers "Deconstructing Job Search Behavior" and "Sorting on-line and on-time" at the (IDSC of IZA Workshop: Matching Workers and Jobs Online - New Developments and Opportunities for Social Science and Practice) in Bonn, Germany.
Sept 7, 2018: I first presented our paper "Avoiding Layoffs: On-the-job search and partial insurance", coauthored with Carlos Lizama, at the 2018 Chilean Economic Society (SECHI) that took place in Valparaiso, Chile.
Aug 27, 2018: I presented at the National Bureau of Statistics (Institute Nacional de Estadísticas, INE) our research summary on ¿cómo se busca y ofrece trabajo en internet? (how do you search for and post job ads on the internet?)
July 27, 2018: Interview about job search in the internet (Radio Universidad de Chile) , minute 32 onwards
July 20, 2018: More coverage about our research in Publimetro , Diario Financiero , El Ciudadano, El Desconcierto , Networker.cl , and Noticias FCFM U de Chile
July 19, 2018: Interview on online job search in Radio T13
July 19, 2018: Our research on online job boards gets some more coverage in Emol Economía
July 18, 2018: Interview on new Chilean income data and job search (Julio 2018, Radio Pauta , minute 38 onwards)
July 18, 2018: We got some media coverage for our research on online job boards in the article "Radiografía al nuevo mercado laboral: ¿Cómo se busca y ofrece trabajo en Internet?" La Tercera / Pulso )
July 13, 2018: Together with trabajando.com, we are organizing an event to communicate a friendly version of our research on job search through online job boards. For more information (In Spanish), please see this website
July 4, 2018: I presented our paper "Deconstructing Job Search Behavior" (with S. Banfi and S. Choi) at the MIPP-CEA Seminar at the University of Chile.
June 28, 2018: I presented our paper "Deconstructing Job Search Behavior" (with S. Banfi and S. Choi) at the 2018 Society for Economic Dynamics in Mexico DF
May 16, 2018: I presented our paper "Deconstructing Job Search Behavior" (with S. Banfi and S. Choi) at the Economics Seminar of the Department of Economics, Universidad de Chile.
May 14, 2018: Interview about MIPP, Millenium Institute on Market Imperfections and Public Policy (Mayo 2018, Radio T13 )
May 8, 2018: I presented of our paper "Deconstructing Job Search Behavior" (with S. Banfi and S. Choi) at the Economics Seminar of the Department of Economics, Université de Montréal.
May 4, 2018: I presented our paper Sorting on-line and on-time (with S. Banfi and S. Choi) at the 2018 Society of Labor Economists Meeting in Toronto, Canada.
Apr 16, 2018: Our paper Sorting on-line and on-time (with S. Banfi and S. Choi) is available.
Apr 16, 2018: Seminar presentation of our paper Sorting on-line and on-time at Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Apr 5, 2018: Interview about employment and automation available in Radio Infinita
Apr 5, 2018: A new column "Vacaciones por feriados" is available in La Tercera
Feb 17, 2018: A nontechnical summary of our paper "Do High-Wage Jobs Attract more Applicants? Directed Search Evidence from the Online Labor Market" is also posted at VoxEU .
Feb 8, 2018: A nontechnical summary of our paper "Do High-Wage Jobs Attract more Applicants? Directed Search Evidence from the Online Labor Market" is posted at Vox LACEA .
Jan 3, 2018: Our paper "Do High-Wage Jobs Attract more Applicants? Directed Search Evidence from the Online Labor Market" has been accepted for publication at the Journal of Labor Economics.
Nov 30-Dec 2, 2017: We had a great 2017 Workshop in Political Economy and Political Science (PEPS). Program is available here.
Nov 21, 2017: I presented our paper "Deconstructing Job Search Behavior" at the seminar of Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia, thanks to a generous invitation.
Nov 13-15, 2017: We had an excellent Workshop in Search and Matching Models in Macroeconimcs (SM3). Program is available here.
Nov 11, 2017: I presented our paper "Deconstructing Job Search Behavior" at 2017 LACEA-LAMES Meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Sep 25, 2017: I presented our paper "Deconstructing Job Search Behavior" at a seminar of Collegio Carlo Alberto in Torino, Italy.
Sep 22, 2017: I presented our paper "Labor Market Flows and Inequality" at a seminar of University of Bristol, UK.
Sept 7, 2017: My column in La Tercera "Pensiones un Derecho Social de Segunda Categoría" is available here.
May 21, 2017: Updated version of "Do High-Wage Jobs Attract more Applicants? Directed Search Evidence from the Online Labor Market" with S. Banfi is available here.
May 5, 2017: Op-ed in La Tercera, joint with A. Bernales "Nuevos enfoques en el tema de las pensiones", here. See also in Vox LACEA. A more complete version of these ideas can be read in MIPP Gazette .
April 2017. We are organizing the 2017 Workshop on Political Economy and Political Science (PEPS 2017) in Nov 30 - Dec 2 at Santiago, Chile. If you are interested, please send your papers to pepsmipp@gmail.com no later than August 31st, 2017
March 31, 2017: Climatic Change accepted our paper "Institutional Drivers of Adaptation in Local Government Decision Making: Lessons from Chile" (joint with P. Valdivieso and K. Andersson)